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Brian walked through the compound and to the mess hall. He was excited to see Eden again and see how her training was going. He wanted to know how her fight went and if she used what he taught her. He walked in and over to his table. He saw all of the other initiates but not her. He was running late so he thought she would be here.

"Have you seen Eden?" He asked Josh and Eric when he sat down at the table.

"Not since she was hanging over the chasm," Josh responded and Brian's eyes widened.

"She's fine," Eric said. "She got in a fight and then was physical towards me. She had to be punished," he said and Brian held a deep scowl.

"Isn't that the whole point? To fight," he asked angrily.

"She attacked Peter," Eric said shrugging.

"I'm sure she had a valid reason."

"Yea. They all think her and I are sleeping together. Your hickey is what started it. Thanks for that," Eric said. Brian shook his head and got up. He quickly walked out and towards the dorms. When he walked in, she saw her on one of the beds seemingly having some sort of breakdown.

"Eden," Brian said squatting down in front of her. She looked up at him with bloodshot eyes. She hadn't been crying but she was just so panicked and stressed. "What happened?"

"It's your fault," she said and got up to walk away from him. He furrowed his eyebrows and followed after her.

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"If you hadn't given me this damn hickey and told Eric to take care of me then none of this would've happened. People think him and I are fucking because he helps me a little extra and you told him too!" She yelled at him and Brian was shocked at her tone. He had never heard her swear or even get angry for that matter.

"You aren't pinning this on me," he said through clenched teeth. She was breathing deeply while glaring at him.

"Just stay away from me," she said shaking her head and walked out. Brian was a bit shocked but he just shook his head and walked out too, but turned in the opposite direction. She was running towards the pit and someone turned the corner, quickly, and they slammed into each other. The fell and Eden landed on top of the body.

"Oh hey princess," Peter said from underneath her. She rolled her eyes and got off his chest. "Not gonna help me up?"

"I would but I can't," she said showing him her hands. He stood up himself and grabbed them softly on his.

"What happened?"

"Eric made me hang over the chasm after punching you," she told him and he looked from his hands up to her.

"You're joking," he said and she shook her head. "That was just our playful banter. No harm done."

"It was a tad bit more than playful banter that time," she said and he chuckled. "I'm supposed to fight Ed tomorrow but with my hands."

"I'll fight him," he said and Eden looked up at him. "Listen, I believe that you aren't sleeping with Eric. We both know you're a virgin," he said and she couldn't help but chuckle.

"You can't fight Ed. You'll lose," she told him shaking her head.

"Well I'll probably last longer than you and I'm higher in ranks than you are. One loss won't hurt me too bad."

"But Ed will," she said and he waved her off.

"If you clean me up again I won't mind," he said and she rolled her eyes. "Seriously, if Eric calls you to fight him I'll volunteer."

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