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Numb. That's what it felt like to lose everyone. Even worse was seeing them dead. Not just dead, but seeing them die. It was terrible. It was horrific. It felt like a torture that Eden couldn't endure for much longer. But sometimes there's that hope. A small hope that made everything seem like it just might be okay. That's what Eden felt when she saw Peter. He looked over at her with a bit of a shocked expression. Her split lip, bruised cheek, and Eric's blood splattered on the side of her face. Not to mention her blood shot eyes.

She looked at him with almost a scowl as she walked towards him. He was scared that she might be angry at him or try to hit him, but she just wrapped her arms around his neck. He let out a sigh of relief before hugging her back.

"Eric's dead," she said and buried her face in his chest. He hugged her closer and rubbed her back. He didn't know they were this close but figured they might be eventually. "You don't understand how relieved I am to see you right now."

"Me too," he said and she pulled back from the hug. "They pardoned me."

"Thank God. Just don't do anymore idiotic things," she said and he nodded.

"You wanna go get cleaned up?"

"Yea. I need to speak to Jeanine first," Eden said before walking into the testing room. It's where Jeanine was most of the time. Eden walked in to find Max and Jeanine speaking.

"Eden, I thought they were going to kill you right after Eric," Max said and she shook her head while looking at the floor. "Hey. I'm sorry."

"I'm fine," she snapped back and looked up at Jeanine. "They're teaming up with Factionless. I overheard a conversation as I left."

"Thank you. Now why don't you go wash that blood off your face. It's a bit disturbing," Jeanine said and Eden scowled at her before storming out. "Did I say something wrong?"

"It's Eric's blood," Max told her and she made an o with her mouth before turning back to her work. Peter followed behind Eden as she walked to the room Eric and her shared. When she walked in, she went straight to the bathroom and looked at herself. The blood splatter on the one side of her face made her want to cry, but she didn't. She didn't have any tears left to cry. They had run out.

"Eden," Peter said while walking in. "Let me help," he said and she nodded. She sat on the bathroom counter and he grabbed a towel. He wet it before wiping the blood of her face and lip. "Were you and Eric-"

"Yes," she cut him off. Peter felt really bad since all the boyfriends she had were either dead or factionless.

"You got some new tattoos since last time I saw you," he said while looking at her neck and her arm. "Are you gonna ad-"


"Can they hear us in here?" Peter asked in a whisper by her ear.

"I don't know," she answered back and he nodded. He grabbed her hand and started drawing letters on her palm.

"R-U-N," he wrote and she looked up at him. She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer to her.

"We have to be patient. Just trust me," she said in his ear. Barely a whisper but he heard and nodded.

"I surrendered to Erudite. I gave them information about Tris and how to take her down," he said and Eden nodded.

"Good," she said and hopped off the counter. "Listen," she said and pulled his ear down to her lips again. "We don't have sides, we do what we have to to survive."

"Together," he said and she nodded.

"Together," she repeated and he pulled her in for a hug. "I can't do it with out my best friend."

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