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The initiates were throwing knives at the targets today. Eden's grief and fear had turned into anger pretty quickly and she was taking it out on this. Her and Tris were the best ones. Peter was right there next to them though.

"Al, try holding it like this," Eden said adjusting his grip. He weakly threw the knife and it missed the target.

"Well that was pathetic," Eric said walking up to them with his hands behind his back.

"It slipped," Al tried to defend.

"Well go get it!" Eric snapped and Eden's gaze hardened.

"Wh-while they're throwing?"

"Are you afraid?" Eric asked, stepping closer to him. Al was probably two inches taller than Eric but he still cowered.

"Of being stabbed by an airborne knife? Yea," Al said and Eric glared it at him.

"Everybody stop!" He yelled while remaining eye contact with Al. "Stand in front of the target."

"Are you insane?" Eden asked coldly stepping up to him.

"I was going to have Four through the knives but since you decided to open your mouth," he said and her eyes widened in the slightest. He turned to Al who was standing with his hands behind his back. "You will stand there while she throws the knives. If you flinch, you're out."

"I can't," Eden said shaking her head.

"Then you're out. Your choice," he said and she scowled. She walked past him and bumped his shoulder. She picked up the knife on the table and looked at Al. "One thing you will learn here, orders are not optional."

She looked at Al who just gave her a small nod signaling that it was okay. She hated having to do this because he was the one who held her last night when she was upset, and she didn't want to hurt him. She adjusted the grip on the knife and took a deep breath before bringing it up.

"Stop!" Tris called and everyone looked to her. "Anyone can stand in front of a target. It doesn't prove anything."

"Then you won't mind taking his place," Eric said and Tris shook her head. Al thanked her and hurried back.

"Al I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"It's not your fault," he interrupted and she nodded.

"Same rules apply...and same thrower," Eric said and Eden snapped her head to him. He nodded to her and she stepped back up. She threw the first knife and it landed about five inches from Tris's leg.

"Oh come on pansycake," Eric taunted and she huffed. She picked up the next knife and took a breath. She brought her arm back and it went sailing towards the target. It hit about an inch above her head. Eden sighed of relief before feeling Eric behind her.

"You can get closer than that," he whispered in her ear and she tried to shrug him away. "You've been seeing that target as Brian all day, no different now."


"Ah ah, or you'll be where she is," he said and she huffed. She turned back to look at Tris and tried to think of where to throw the knife. Eden looked down and felt the knife in her hand. The feeling of the cool metal on her fingertips. She looked back up and flipped it in her hand to get the right grip. She threw the knife as hard as she could and it landed right by Tris's ear.

"Points for bravery Stiff, but not as many as you just lost for opening your mouth," Eric said loudly making Eden jump. Eden could see from here the blood on Tris's ear as she walked back.

"Tris, I'm sorry," Eden said walking forward. "I didn't do it intentionally."

"I know. It's fine," Tris nodded and kept walking.

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