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"...plays a critical role in maintaining the social order. But this harmony we've achieved is now under attack. This city may be safely enclosed behind a vast wall. But make no mistake, that wall alone does not ensure our security. It is up to us, every one of us, to remain vigilant in identifying and isolating any potential threat to our stability. There are individuals hiding among us who must be contained. So permit me to address the objections of my fellow faction leaders. I am aware that there have been some concerns about the unavoidable raid on Candor. So let me be clear. The harboring of Divergents by any faction cannot be tolerated," Jeanine's message broadcasted across the city on all screens. "Very soon, I will be presenting what I believe to be no less than a mandate from The Founders themselves. And this will, I have no doubt, validate the measures I am taking to keep the peace. And provide the instructions that will allow us to eradicate the Divergent crisis, once and for all."

Eden was walking briskly towards the exam room when she got word of Tris being brought in. She had Eric's gun tucked in her waist band as she walked in the doors.

"Where is she?" Eden asked while walking up to Jeanine.

"Peter has gone to get her. Don't fret, you can have her after she opens the box. I'm so very sorry about your Eric," Jeanine said and Eden looked up at her.

"I appreciate it," she said and folded her hands behind her back while looking forward towards the large glass box.

"I lost my love a few years ago. I know you aren't all fond of me but I understand your pain," Jeanine said and Eden looked up at her.

"With all due respect, I don't want to talk about him," Eden said and Jeanine nodded while turning to the glass wall. They saw Peter walk in with Tris.

"Remarkable. Chances of it being you, of all people. Nearly defies the laws of probability," Jeanine said and Tris scoffed.

"As remarkable as the amount of people you've managed to kill?"

"Dark time call for I'm extreme measures. As hard as it is to believe, I'm doing this for the greater good. Step up on the disk," Jeanine said and turned around the the computers. When Tris didn't move, Peter pressed his gun against her head. Eden watched as Tris punched Peter in the nose and took his gun. Eden knew the glass was bullet proof and that she couldn't do anything so she just watched with a hard gaze as Peter's face was pressed against the glass with a bloody nose. "Oh."

"Stop the suicides or I swear I'll shoot him," Tris said while pressing him against the wall harder.

"That's okay. Kill him if you want, we have plenty of guards," Jeanine said.

"What?!" Peter yelled and Eden's nostrils flared as her hand slowly reached for her gun. Tris suddenly pushed Peter aside and started shooting the glass. It didn't even make a dent. She grunted in frustration and held the gun to her own head.

"I'm guessing you need me alive for this," she said and then Jeanine motioned. Caleb, the boy who helped Eden, walked in.

"Beatrice," he said but the gun didn't fall.

"Caleb. Caleb!" Tris said.


"Don't engage with the subject. Conditions are already less than optimal," Jeanine interrupted when Caleb tried to speak. When Tris still didn't falter, Eden pulled her gun out and held it to Caleb's head.

"If I do this the suicides stop," Tris said while letting the gun fall.

"No. The suicides will continue until you pass all of the simulations. Should be incentive enough. Plus, the fact we have your brother. Good luck," Jeanine said. "Get him out of here," she said to Eden. She grabbed his arm and led him out.

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