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At dinner, Eden walked over to where Al was sitting to apologize. She felt really bad about just leaving him there but she was heated in the moment. She walked up and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and just looked at Eden.

"Hey, uh, I'm really sorry about earlier. I just wanted to-"

"I'm sure you are. Run along," Christina said and Eden frowned while taking a step back.

"I'm really sorry Al," she said before walking away towards Brian. She noticed that Eric was already sitting there. She almost didn't want to sit there anymore. That wasn't a problem to think about anymore since a blonde cut her off and sat in her spot. She stood there for a second while looking around.

"Get up," Eric said to the girl while motioning for her to move.


"Because I don't want to see you. Up," he said and the girl scoffed before moving. Eden took the spot and sat with one leg bent under her.

"Thank you," Eden said quietly to Eric while poking at the food on her tray.

"Why were you apologizing to Al? You shouldn't feel bad," Eric said while sipping his drink. Brian furrowed his eyebrows before looking at Eden.

"Eden, your lip," he said turning her jaw to face him. She grimaced from his touch on her tender jaw and shoved his hand off.

"It's fine," she told him before turning to Eric. "I do feel bad but it was more because I have zero friends with the initiates."

"Aren't you and that Peter kid cool?" He asked she scoffed while crossing her arms.

"I hate him. Four paired us together. He was all since you guys seem to love each other you're partners," she mocked and the table chuckled except for Eric who just smirked.

"Mocking me softie?" She heard behind her. Her face dropped before she turned to see Four. He was standing there with a face mixed between amusement and annoyance.

"Yes, yes I was," she answered confidently. Four looked at her before nodding.

"Okay," he nodded and walked off. Her face scrunched up as she turned back to the table.

"I'm an idiot. He's gonna kill me," she said shaking her head. Brian chuckled while wrapping an arm around her.

"It's fine. Would you eat?" Brian told her.

"I'm not hungry," she said pushing it away a bit. "I don't even know what that is," she said frustrated while poking the hotdog with her fork.

"It's a hotdog."

"You act like I understand," she snapped and Brian raised an eyebrow.

"Where is this coming from?"

"Nowhere," she said quietly and just dropped the fork down. "I have to go."

"E," Brian said grabbing her hand. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," she said pulling her hand away.

"The riot was a year ago today," Eric said and Brian's face made an o shape.

"I'm fine. Just leave me be and mind your own damn business," she snapped specifically at Eric while glaring at him. She got up and walked away. Eric scowled and got up too.

"Eric," Brian warned.

"I'm not hurting her. She just needs to learn her place here," he said and followed after her. Brian rubbed his temples while shaking his head. Eden turned briskly down one of the halls and Eric was hot on her tail. He grabbed her shoulders and slammed her into the wall while putting his forearm against her throat. She could barely process what was happening and tried to catch her breath from the wind being knocked out of her.

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