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"So, um, maybe try and not be harsh towards the kids," Matthew told Eden as they walked to their gym.

"I'm not harsh," Eden said back and Matthew just nodded. "I will train them to be soldiers just as I was," she told him.

"That's why we picked you for this job."

"Picked me to watch children all day?"

"Technically they are teenagers," Matthew told her and she just nodded. They walked into the gym and there were a group of 13-16 year olds standing around the mat. "Listen up guys, this is Eden. She's going to be your instructor."

"She's our instructor?" One of the boys asked with his arms crossed. He snickered with his friends and Eden walked forward.

"What's your name?" Eden asked him while keeping her hands behind his back.

"Alex," he said and Eden nodded.

"Well Alex, the first thing you're going to learn from me is to keep your mouth shut. Understand?" She asked and the boy just looked at her. "I won't repeat myself."

"Understood," Alex said and she nodded while stepping back.

"I'll leave you to it," Matthew said and walked out. He was nervous about Eden but trusted she would be their best trainer. She stepped back and looked at all the kids.

"You all will be pushed to your limits. Physically and mentally. I am training you to be soldiers not weaklings. You will do what I say, when I say it, and how I say it. Understand?" She said and there were collective nods and agreements. Eden motioned for all of them to stand and they did quickly. She had lost too much to go soft on them. She knew that Eric was always tough and her and it made her a better fighter. "Ten laps around the gym. Now!"

They all jumped and started running around the gym. Eden watched as they jogged and crossed her arms. She moved and ran over to run next to them.

"Do you think you're going to get away running like this? Run faster!" She yelled at them and they moved quicker. She stepped back and watched them basically sprinting around the gym. Alex was the first one done and stood in the middle with a cocky grin. Eden scowled at his cockiness and confidence. She knew she had to break it. When the others finished, they were huffing and puffing. "How much do you guys know about fighting?"

"Just the basics," Alex said and she nodded walking forward. "I was best in my class."

"Congrats. Why don't you show me what you know then," Eden said while kicking off her shoes and standing on the mat. All the others kicked off theirs.

"Against who?"

"Me," Eden said while cracking her neck. Alex stepped up and got into a fighting position. She nodded and he charged at her. She dodged his punch and grabbed his arm. She kneed him in the stomach before kicking his feet out from under him. She put her one foot on his shoulder blade and pulled at his arm. He groaned and she let go while walking away.

"The next thing you will learn from me is don't be a cocky little shit," she said and looked back as Alex picked himself up off the ground. For the next few hours, Eden pushed them to their physics limits.

"Hey Eden," Alex said walking up to her. She crossed her arms and turned to him. "Just saying, we all know you are training like Eric," he said. Eden grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall.

"How do you people know about him?" She seethed through gritted teeth.

"The cameras. We know all about everyone," he said and she scowled.

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