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"Eden, this one is perfect for you," Al said handing her the small glass that had the design on it. It was a snake that was surrounded by flowers and it was pretty big.

"I like it," she said and took it. She was feeling a bit spontaneous and thought it was a good one. She walked over to one of the chairs and saw Josh. "Hello Josh," she said and sat in the chair.

"Eden right?" He asked and she nodded. "What are you getting?"

"On my upper arm," she said handing it to him. He raised his eyebrows but nodded.

"I like it. Just pull your strap down off your arm," he told her. She took the tank top and pulled her arm out of the one strap. He grabbed a sort of pad and placed it on her arm. "It might sting for a second," he said while typing into the computer.

"Do you guys design the tattoos are just apply them?" She asked him.

"Both. I actually designed the one you're getting," he told her and she smiled.

"It's really good," she told him and he sent her a small smile. She felt the sting in her arm and flinched but quickly relaxed. It only lasted about a minute before he was taking it off and held the mirror up to her. The snake head and some of the flowers had gone up her shoulder. The head ended right underneath her collarbone. The tail went all the way down to her elbow.

"How did I do?"

"I love it. Thank you," she said smiling.

"How's training going? You look a little beat up," he said and she nodded.

"They keep giving me the big guys," she said and he chuckled while crossing his arms.

"It'll just make you better. I'll see you at dinner," he said and she nodded. She pulled her strap back up and walked over to the group. Tris had gotten birds and Al got a moon on his wrist.

"Yours looks good," he told her and she smiled.

"Thank you. I like yours as well," she said looking at it. She was surprised that her shoulder and arm didn't even feel a little bit sore afterwards.

"Thanks," he said and she nodded. They made some more small talk while the others got their tattoos.

"Nice tat princess," Peter said coming up next to her.

"Thank you," she said and nodded to him.

"What do you think I should get?"

"How about the word ass across your forehead?" She asked and he chuckled at her response.

"You never fail to amuse me princess," he said and she raised an eyebrow. "How do your friends feel about you sleeping your way to the top?" He asked loudly and her face dropped.

"What?" Al asked and the others came over with confused expressions.

"Oh, don't you see the hickey on her neck and how she stays after with Eric everyday? He always gives her a little extra attention," Peter said and Eden was getting furious.

"I already told you, I'm not sleeping with Eric," she said stepping up to him. He chuckled and looked down at her.

"Yea okay princess. Maybe your next tattoo should be slut written across your forehead," he said and her jaw clenched. "I mean it only makes sense since someone like you would never make it here," he said and her hands balled up into fists.

"I'm not sleeping with him," she said through gritted teeth.

"Sounds like something a whore would say," he said and she couldn't take it anymore. She raised her fist and punched him in the jaw. She kicked him in the balls and he yelped.

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