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Eden lazily opened her eyes and looked over. She furrowed her eyebrows at all the machines and then felt the plastic on her mouth. She ripped the oxygen mask off of her and then swung her legs over the bed. She didn't know where she was or why she was in a hospital bed. She got up but felt a pain in her arm. She looked down and saw the IV still attached to her arm, so she ripped it out. When the heart monitors were torn off the beeping started and someone rushed in the room followed by guards.

"Who are you?" Eden asked coldly.

"You need to lie back down," the woman said.

"Who the hell are you?" Eden said and the guards came over to try and push her down. She punched one of them in the face and then climbed over the bed. She grabbed a syringe and held it up.

"Just calm down," a man said walking in with his hands up.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Matthew," he said stepping towards her. "You're at the Bureau of Generic Welfare, outside the fence."

"Where are my people?" She asked stepping forward.

"I can take you to them," he said and she nodded. She moved her hand behind her back but didn't feel anything.

"Where is my gun?"

"We had to take it," Matthew said. Eden grabbed him and slammed him against the wall while holding the needle to his throat.

"You better give me my god damn gun or I'll kill you," she threatened and the guards held guns up at her. Matthew waved his hand to tell them to stand down.

"It was your Eric's, I know."

"How the hell do you know Eric?" She seethed while pressing her arm against his neck.

"We have city surveillance. I can show you, but you have to let me go," he said and she narrowed her eyes.

"I want my gun back. You can take out the bullets but I'm getting it back," she said and he nodded. She let him go and dropped the syringe. Eden brought her hand to her neck to make sure the necklaces were still there and they were. She was interrupted though by the guards grabbing her hands and cuffing them behind her back. "You stupid son of a bitch!" She yelled. The guard grunted when Eden elbowed him in the stomach. She turned around and kicked him back before being tackled by the other guard.

"You have to calm down," Matthew told her. In response she just knocked the other guard off of her and swiped her leg under the other's feet. More guards came rushing in and grabbed her. "Be gentle."

"Let me go assholes!" She said while fighting their hold. They just linked their arms in hers and dragged her out backwards while Matthew leaded. "I swear to god I'll best all your asses!"

"You don't understand," Matthew said.

"Fuck you! Fuck every single one of you!" She said loudly while trying to fight her hold. Her boots squeaked against the floor as she tried to run.

"Well Eden's close," Tris said while walking with Four. Suddenly, Matthew turned the corner and guards were dragging Eden behind them. "What are you doing with her?"

"Trying to prove we aren't out to kill her," Matthew said and kept walking.

"Eden, calm down. They are good," Tris told her.

"You've been trying to kill me for weeks. I don't trust either of you. Where the hell is Peter?!" She said and struggled some more.

"We are taking you to him Ms. Amber," Matthew said and she cringed at the name. Tris and Four just watched as Eden kept struggling.

"She was so shy and nice at the beginning," Tris said and Four shrugged.

"Trauma changes people. Let's go," he said and they walked off.

"Let me go! I have fucking legs," she said coldly and Peter perked up at the voice. He sat up from his station and rushed out.

"Eden!" He said but could only see her back.

"Peter!" She said and swiped the legs of the guard next to her. He dropped and she kicked the other one in the stomach. She turned around and ran towards him. Peter hugged her but her hands were still cuffed.

"Get her out of these," Peter ordered and Matthew came over to take the cuffs off. She immediately wrapped her arms around Peter. When Caleb heard the commotion he came out as well.

"See Eden, we are only helping you," Matthew said and she nodded.

"If you're expecting me to trust you, then think again," she said and he nodded. "Now tell me how you know about Eric."

"And Al and everything," he said and she furrowed her eyebrows. "These pods allow us to basically walk around Chicago due to sim technology and hidden 360 cameras all around the city."

"Why are Peter and Caleb in them?"

"Because everyone gets a job here and that's theirs. Christina and Four are in military and Tris is working with David, our leader. We want you to work in our close combat training center. Prepare the kids and teens for the military."

"I don't do kids."

"Well you have to. It's that, go back to Chicago and die, or get locked up," Matthew explained to her.

"You have some nerve-"

"Combat teacher it is. You've already displayed in five minutes that you're a great match," he said and she crossed her arms. "It's already late so Peter will show you to your bunk and then you start tomorrow."

"Okay," she said and he walked away. Eden turned to Peter and Caleb. "I don't like this place."

"Why? It's awesome," Peter said and she shook her head.

"It's just a feeling."

"Yea it's called trust issues and ptsd. Come on," he said tossing an arm around her. Caleb went back to the pod while her and Peter walked out. They moved towards a small group of bunks. "That's Caleb's, mine, and you can decided between the other two, but your clothes are under that one," he said pointing to the one next to his. It was set up sort of like an L on both sides. Peter and Eden's heads would be by each other's.

She walked over and looked at the clothes in the boxes underneath. They were very similar to Dauntless clothes but less leather. She nodded and stood up.

"Just give it a shot princess," Peter said and she nodded. "It's late. I'm sure you woke everyone up with you screaming."

"I was scared," she said looking down. Peter frowned and pulled her into a hug.

"I know but when you're scared you go bat shit crazy and try to kill everyone. That's a no no," he said and she chuckled a bit. "Missed that smile."

"Do you really think this place is going to be better?"

"Than dying? Yes," he said and she nodded. "Hey, I know you don't like it but try not to scare the kids."

"I don't care about the kids," she said and he nodded.

"You will. The second you see their adorable faces you will," he said and she sighed while nodding. "Come on, let's just go to sleep."

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked and he nodded, knowing that she was scared about being someplace new. They crawled into the small bed together and Peter pulled her back against his chest.

"It's going to be fine princess. I know it is," he said and she just nodded. Even though she had been out for a while, sleep found her easy.

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