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"Ready?" Eric asked while adjusting the collar on Eden's jacket.


"I got you a little something," he said and she tilted her head to the side. "I figured I should get a spot on your neck too," he said and clasped the necklace around her. She looked down and saw the necklace that had a snake pendant.

"Black mamba," she said giggling.

"It's sort of our thing," he said while hugging her.

"Thank you. I love it, but we have to get going."

"We aren't going in until most of them are down so there shouldn't be any problems," he told her and she nodded.

"Let's go love birds," Max called and they walked towards the car.

"How does he know?" Eden asked and Eric shrugged.

"No point in hiding it now," he said while grabbing her hand. He got in the car and pulled her up next to him. They silently held hands as the car drove through the dark, deserted roads.

"Hey," Eric whispered in her ear. "Stop worrying,"
He told him.

"I'm not worrying."

"Yes you are. You have that crease by your brow," he told her and she looked up at him. "Just watch your back at all times."

"I'm not worried about myself," she told him and he smirked.

"I'm not going anywhere baby. I love you. That's enough to keep me going," he said and she leaned her head against him.

"I love you too," she said and he kissed the top of her head.

"We might have to do some bad things tonight. Divergents piss me off," he said and she chuckled.

"Makes two of us," she said and he smiled at her. They pulled up to the building and walked in to the building across from the one they were attacking. They waited on the roof top for the soldier to go in first. Once they cleared most of it, all the leaders used the zip lines to go to the building.

"Alright, you know what to do," Max said and they all held their hand guns while walking in. They were walking through a floor of passed out bodies when Eden heard a noise.

"This way," Eden said and led them in the opposite direction. When they turned the corner they saw Tris and Uriah.

"Hey! Look who decided to show up," Eric said walking towards Tris. "It's really good to see you again," he said and the guards walked forward grabbing them.

"Eden, you're better than this. Al would hate you for what you're doing," Tris said to her and Eden tried to charge at her but Eric grabbed her waist.

"You'll get your moment. Just not yet," he told her and they walked out. Tris had tried multiple times to use Al against Eden and every time it just pissed her off. She knew Al wouldn't have liked it but Al understood the lengths one went to to survive. She followed them out into a large room with big windows. They had put Uriah, Tris, and a small girl on their knees. Eden looked at the small girl and her chest tightened a bit.

"Alright folks. Nothing to be worried about. Just a routine inspection, then we can all go back to our business," Eric said while walking up to Uriah with the scanner.

"Divergent: 10%," the scanner said.

"Shit, you're almost normal. Boring," Eric said and then shot him in the head. Eden flinched and her eyes widened a bit.

"That's not part of the mission," Max said.

"So what? For all I care the rest of them are outlaws," Eric responded and Eden took a deep breath.

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