Society of the Blind Eye

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of incestuous child rape and child abuse

(It is a starry night outside. In the depths of the forest, Violet and James are laying beside each other. They look at the stars and hold each other's hand. James is spouting white wolf ears and and tail)

Violet: The stars are so beautiful, aren't they?

James: Sure are... (leans to Violet) I can look at her all night.

Violet: (blushes) James, you're such a charmer. (Kisses his cheek)

James: (face goes red) D-Do you mind if I-

Violet: You know you don't have to ask.

(James licks Violet's cheek, making her giggle)

Violet: We're getting married in exactly one month, James. Do you know just how exciting that is?

James: My tail is wagging just thinking about it! And I promise you, our plans for our wedding are going to be extra special. Because you're the most special person I know, Violet.

Violet: And you're very special too. You can't forget to put yourself on the list of special people.

(They share a warm kiss before having to part their ways)

Violet: I love you!

James: I love you more! (Runs off)

(Violet is walking down the street all by herself, lovestruck. Little did she know that too hooded figures are behind her)

Violet: Ahhh, James. He's unbelievably sweet. So indescribably beautiful. So- AUGH!!!

(The hooded figures kidnapped her and are dragging her away)

Hooded Figure: He's unseen.


(The kids are gathered up in the Mess Hall. There's apparently a special announcement to be made)

Dipper: Alright, author. Who are you...? (Chews on a pen, which breaks) Ugh! Not again! (Tosses it in a pile of broken pens)

David: Alrighty, kids! Tomorrow, we have something special planned!

Nikki: Oooh! A nature hike?

Space Kid: We're going to space!

Nurf: The police are back?

Mabel: Maybe it's another tournament with the Flower Scouts and Supernatural Establishment!

Max: I highly doubt that. It's probably going to be another event which results in some supernatural phenomenon and us almost dying.

David: Tomorrow is Parent's Day! Your parents or guardians are all informed through email to come over Camp Camp to spend quality time with each of you!

Max: Wh.... What?

Mabel: (gasps) Oh my gosh, Dipper! Parent's Day is tomorrow! And this means more family fun time with us, our parents, and Grunkle Stan! We'll be one big happy family!

Dipper: I'm still wondering if any of our parents will bother to come down to Oregon for just one day.

Neil: Fuck! My dad signed me in! This is going to be a disaster...

Nurf: My mom's in jail, yet she signed me up. What does that mean for me?

Stanley: I know Nurf and Max's parents were a bit of a challenge to get to, but rest assured. We immediately get your parents' email addresses after you get sent here. And Nurf, police guards will escort her out of jail just for this occasion.

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