(Almost everyone in Camp Camp is sound asleep. Suddenly, a huge blue light starts glowing from underground. It is coming from Stan in a secret underground lab. Kendrick for some reason is with him too)
Stanley: Kid, I'm glad you accepted my offer. Without that journal you have, I wouldn't be able to perform my greatest achievement! (Pauses) I probably should've worn pants.
Kendrick: Stan... What is this for?
Stanley: I'm not going to give away further information. I don't want you telling the whole town about this. Remember: Just play it cool. If anyone finds out about this...
Kendrick: (looks at the picture of the campers) If anyone...
Stanley: Nah. I came this far. Just don't go blabbing your mouth about this, Kendrick. Because if you do... well, nothing can stop me now.
(Stan puts in a six fingered glove and pulls a switch labeled Max. Power used in the machine causes a power surge around town. Only a few people in town seem to notice, but they immediately dismiss it. That is... except the government)
Agent Miller: See there! There it is!
Agent Miller: We haven't seen readings like this in thirty years.
Agent Miller: Where do you think it is coming from? Deep space? An enemy weapon site in Iran? It better not be from that Campbell guy...
Agent Miller: Oh no.... It's located in Gravity Falls, Oregon.
Agent Miller: Our daughter Meredith is there, camping with.... Stan Pines.
Agent Miller: Let's go. Urgently...
(Stan wakes up in the underground lab)
Stanley: Alright. Showtime...
(It cuts to him in Camp Camp)
Stanley: Welcome all, to the re-opening of Camp Camp!
(A large audience cheers for him)
Stanley: We're here to celebrate the defeat of the shit bags Gideon and Daniel Gleeful!
Audience: Booo!
Violet: They stink!
Stanley: Please, please... boo harder.
Audience: BOOOO!!!
Ron: Those two deserve hell!
Jess: Fuck em!
Stanley: But I didn't catch those pork chops alone. My scampers deserve some of the glory.
Mabel: (elbows Stan)
Stanley: Okay, fine. They deserve most of the glory.
Nikki: And all it took was to be chased down by a giant robot!
Dipper: Honestly though, we wouldn't have done it if it weren't for the campers of the Supernatural Establishment. Defeating the Gleeful's was a team effort and, with them, we make a pretty great team.
(Everyone cheers for the kids. Missy looks over to James)
Missy: C'mon, James. You were part of this battle too.
James: Ehhh, I didn't really do much. Go on ahead.
Missy: And I haven't? I was sick the entire time, James. You did much more than I would've ever done.
James: I mean, I-
(Missy pulls his arm in order to make him come up)
James: Okay okay, I'll go onstage. Just so you can be satisfied.
Gravity Falls In This Camp
Fanfic(WARNING: This story will not be for the faint of heart. Cussing and mature content will be in this story) The Pines twins, Dipper and Mabel, are forced to spend their summer with their great uncle Stan in his beatdown summer camp simply called "Cam...