(There seems to be something constructing down in Camp Camp. That's right, folks. Stan decided to rent a fair in order to make money. God, help us all)
Stanley: Here she is, kids; the cheapest fair money can rent. I spared every expense.
(Space Kid comes flying out of a broken tram cart)
Space Kid: Whoa! It was like a spaceship! I wanna go on again! (Feels pain in his arm) Owww. I think I broke my arm...
Stanley: Ah, Space Kid. You never learn. Alright, alright. I got a job for you guys. (Hands them fake safety inspection certificates) I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit.
Mabel: Grunkle Stan, is this legal?
Stanley: When there's no cops around, anything's legal! Soos, how's that dunk tank coming along?
Soos: (using a blowtorch on the handle of a dunk tank) Almost ready to go, Mr. Pines.
Stanley: Ha, you've got it rigged from here to Timbuktu! There's nothing on Earth that can knock me down!
Soos: Yeah, except for a futuristic laser arm canon.
Stanley: Ah. Hey, has anyone seen my red screwdriver? Darn thing went missing.
Soos: Did the Quartermaster took it to fix his chainsaw?
Quartermaster: My chainsaw's never broken. My aims are perfect.
(There's a strange looking man hiding behind a portable toilet)
???: The mission is proceeding as planned. Over. (He has Stan's red screwdriver and walks away with it)
(The fair is now open)
Stanley: (through megaphone) Step right up if you wanna dunk an old guy! Step right up and dunk me, folks! I'm talking to the cut-offs!
(A bunch of tourists gather around Stan's dunk tank)
Stanley: That's right! Muffin-Top, High-Pants! Who wants a piece of me?!
(They all try, but fail to dunk Stan)
Stanley: (laughs) Come back again, folks!
(Meanwhile, Dipper is eating corn dogs with Wendy)
Dipper: How do they get them to shape like that? It's so unnatural...
Wendy: But Dipper, they're so.... delicious?
(They both laugh until mustard drips on Wendy's shirt)
Wendy: Aw, shit! I'll be right back!
Dipper: I'll be right here! (Laughs and whispers) Please love me.
(Mabel and Nerris enter with cotton candy)
Mabel: Look at you, getting all romantic at the fair!
Nerris: What's next? Are you gonna attempt to have your first kiss with her?
Dipper: Eh, it's no big deal. And no, I-I wouldn't want to go that ahead.
Mabel: Bullshit! I know that, from your perspective, this is a big deal!
Dipper: .... Okay, it definitely is! Isn't it amazing? I just dove in! I said, "Hey! You wanna hang at the fair?" And you know what she said?
Nerris: Maybe in your fantasies, she responds by making out with you.
Dipper: I'm not gonna deny that. She said, "Yeah, I guess so!" It totally worked! Mabel, yours and Ered's advice about just going for it, it's finally paying off!

Gravity Falls In This Camp
Fanfiction(WARNING: This story will not be for the faint of heart. Cussing and mature content will be in this story) The Pines twins, Dipper and Mabel, are forced to spend their summer with their great uncle Stan in his beatdown summer camp simply called "Cam...