(The campers are all in the mess hall, eating pancakes for breakfast)
Mabel: You ready for the ultimate challenge?
Dipper: I bet Ered will win this one.
Mabel: I bet Neil!
Neil: What?! Why do I have to drink the tube of maple syrup?!
Mabel: Because I believe in you!
Neil: I don't believe in much ever since my right lung got a hole.
(Neil and Ered chug down the maple syrup. Neil begins to choke)
Neil: (losing air) Can't... breathe...
Nikki: Ered won!! Yes!!!
Max: Hey, guys. Check this shit out.
(The kids check the shit out in the newspaper)
Mabel: (gasps) Human sized hamster balls? I'm human sized!!
Max: No, dumbass. This. (Points to a monster photo contest ad) We can take a picture of whatever fucked up monster we find and we can win.
Dipper: Did anyone saved any photos of the gnomes by any chance?
Nikki: I got an eyeball.
Nerris: And I have this beard hair.
Harrison: Ew. Why did you save those things?
Nikki: So the memories will flood back...
(David and Stanley enter the room)
David: Okay, campers! Remember that surprise trip we promised you all?
Max: Ooh joy. Are we visiting the courthouse after the "forgery" incident?
(Flashbacks to Stanley getting the kids to counterfeit money as a camp activity)
Stanley: Seriously? You're telling me that only Dolph knows how to make Benjamin Franklin not look like a woman?
(Police sirens are heard)
Stanley: Uh oh.
(Cuts back to the present)
Nurf: I'm used to county jails, so it didn't phased me at all.
Stanley: Look, kids, I know I haven't been the best camp supervisor. But I swear, this trip that David, Soos, and I are taking you will be some real fun. Now who's ready to put on some blindfolds and get in the bus?
Kids: YAY!!!
Dipper: Wait, what?
(Stanley is driving the bus while the kids all have blindfolds on. Space Kid has his blindfold outside of his helmet)
Ered: What's with these blindfolds?
David: Well, Ered, blindfolds bring up the surprise to a billion! This is going to be the best trip we'll ever have!
Mabel: I can feel my senses heightening. (Touches Preston's face a lot) I feel something beautiful!
Preston: Careful, woman! I spent three hours putting on this makeup!!
Mabel: (pokes him) Beep boop!
Preston: (chuckles) Stop! That tickles!
(The bus jumps, making the kids jump up to the roof)
Space Kid: My head feels wonky...
Dipper: Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blindfold?
Stanley: Ha! Nah, but with these cataracts, I might as well be. Holy shit!! Is that a woodpecker?!

Gravity Falls In This Camp
Fanfiction(WARNING: This story will not be for the faint of heart. Cussing and mature content will be in this story) The Pines twins, Dipper and Mabel, are forced to spend their summer with their great uncle Stan in his beatdown summer camp simply called "Cam...