The Legend of the Gobblewonker

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(The campers are all in the mess hall, eating pancakes for breakfast)

Mabel: You ready for the ultimate challenge?

Dipper: I bet Ered will win this one.

Mabel: I bet Neil!

Neil: What?! Why do I have to drink the tube of maple syrup?!

Mabel: Because I believe in you!

Neil: I don't believe in much ever since my right lung got a hole.

(Neil and Ered chug down the maple syrup. Neil begins to choke)

Neil: (losing air) Can't... breathe...

Nikki: Ered won!! Yes!!!

Max: Hey, guys. Check this shit out.

(The kids check the shit out in the newspaper)

Mabel: (gasps) Human sized hamster balls? I'm human sized!!

Max: No, dumbass. This. (Points to a monster photo contest ad) We can take a picture of whatever fucked up monster we find and we can win.

Dipper: Did anyone saved any photos of the gnomes by any chance?

Nikki: I got an eyeball.

Nerris: And I have this beard hair.

Harrison: Ew. Why did you save those things?

Nikki: So the memories will flood back...

(David and Stanley enter the room)

David: Okay, campers! Remember that surprise trip we promised you all?

Max: Ooh joy. Are we visiting the courthouse after the "forgery" incident?

(Flashbacks to Stanley getting the kids to counterfeit money as a camp activity)

Stanley: Seriously? You're telling me that only Dolph knows how to make Benjamin Franklin not look like a woman?

(Police sirens are heard)

Stanley: Uh oh.

(Cuts back to the present)

Nurf: I'm used to county jails, so it didn't phased me at all.

Stanley: Look, kids, I know I haven't been the best camp supervisor. But I swear, this trip that David, Soos, and I are taking you will be some real fun. Now who's ready to put on some blindfolds and get in the bus?

Kids: YAY!!!

Dipper: Wait, what?


(Stanley is driving the bus while the kids all have blindfolds on. Space Kid has his blindfold outside of his helmet)

Ered: What's with these blindfolds?

David: Well, Ered, blindfolds bring up the surprise to a billion! This is going to be the best trip we'll ever have!

Mabel: I can feel my senses heightening. (Touches Preston's face a lot) I feel something beautiful!

Preston: Careful, woman! I spent three hours putting on this makeup!!

Mabel: (pokes him) Beep boop!

Preston: (chuckles) Stop! That tickles!

(The bus jumps, making the kids jump up to the roof)

Space Kid: My head feels wonky...

Dipper: Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blindfold?

Stanley: Ha! Nah, but with these cataracts, I might as well be. Holy shit!! Is that a woodpecker?!

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