(It opens one night at Camp Camp. A lonely traveler named Y/N walks up to the camp, looking for shelter. Stan goes up to greet them)
Stanley: Well, hello there, traveler. I see your car broke down on this lonesome country road. A place so remote, that NO ONE CAN HEAR YOUR SCREAMS!!!
Y/N: (backs away in fear)
Stanley: Pretend I never said that. Come in, but be warned. If you enter, you may be subjected to my tales... TALES DESIGNED TO GET YOUR KID INTO THIS CAMP!!!
(Y/N is now cowering in fear)
Stanley: As you can see, you have entered Camp Camp in the dark of night. This is a time when the most cursed objects have come to play! Like that thing! That...
(He points to the Quartermaster)
Quartermaster: I see you entered Camp Camp in the dark of night. Run while you still can.
Y/N: (is disgusted by the smell of the human leg the Quartermaster is holding)
Stanley: Not a fan of him? That's fine, no one is. Then how about this? Quartermaster, show them the hand.
Quartermaster: (shows off a specific hand) Kinda a sturdy one.
Stanley: Why is it this hand that I'm showing you? Well, that's quite a tale. And it's called "Hands Off"!
Quartermaster: If you touch this hand, though, your hands will join in my hand collection.
Hands Off
(The campers are taken to an event called the Swap Meet)
David: Ahhh. How I love the Swap Meet! It's packed with such priceless items! I'll be out making those swap deals! Don't do anything too rebellious while I'm gone! (Runs off)
Mabel: Oooh! Bobbly heads! They agree with everything you say!
Harrison: Upside down playing cards...? Maybe they can be of use...
Ered: A shit ton of hippy bandannas- Ah yeah! A real tool set! That's what I'm talking about!
Neil: (puts on glasses) ..... I just realized that I hate glasses. (Puts them off)
Stanley: (spots some watches) Look at these faux-gold beauties! They're mob boss quality! (Goes up to an old hag) Hey Hagface! How much for the watches?
Tyler: (to some chimes) Shush, you guys.
Stanley: Alright, you creepy bitch. Less talky, more watchy. (Puts down money and takes a watch)
Hag: (grabs his arm) GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY WAAAATCH!!!
(Nurf, like his reflexes control him, runs up and punches the hag in the face)
Nurf: Don't even dare fuck with my camp's supervisor! You could end up being a witch or something!
Stanley: (grabs Nurf and leads the kids out of her sight) Ugh, cheapskates.
Nerris: Someone here definitely needs a boost on her charisma.
Stanley: And her observation skills. (Shows the kids his watch wrist) Boom! Good job, heisting hands.
Dipper: Grunkle Stan, did you seriously just shoplifted from a witch? That sounded like a curse.
Nurf: See? I'm not the only one who thinks she's a witch!
Dolph: But witches only exist zin some horrifying fairy tales.

Gravity Falls In This Camp
Fanfic(WARNING: This story will not be for the faint of heart. Cussing and mature content will be in this story) The Pines twins, Dipper and Mabel, are forced to spend their summer with their great uncle Stan in his beatdown summer camp simply called "Cam...