Little Gift Shop of Horrors

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(It opens one night at Camp Camp. A lonely traveler named Y/N walks up to the camp, looking for shelter. Stan goes up to greet them)

Stanley: Well, hello there, traveler. I see your car broke down on this lonesome country road. A place so remote, that NO ONE CAN HEAR YOUR SCREAMS!!!

Y/N: (backs away in fear)

Stanley: Pretend I never said that. Come in, but be warned. If you enter, you may be subjected to my tales... TALES DESIGNED TO GET YOUR KID INTO THIS CAMP!!!

(Y/N is now cowering in fear)

Stanley: As you can see, you have entered Camp Camp in the dark of night. This is a time when the most cursed objects have come to play! Like that thing! That...

(He points to the Quartermaster)

Quartermaster: I see you entered Camp Camp in the dark of night. Run while you still can.

Y/N: (is disgusted by the smell of the human leg the Quartermaster is holding)

Stanley: Not a fan of him? That's fine, no one is. Then how about this? Quartermaster, show them the hand.

Quartermaster: (shows off a specific hand) Kinda a sturdy one.

Stanley: Why is it this hand that I'm showing you? Well, that's quite a tale. And it's called "Hands Off"!

Quartermaster: If you touch this hand, though, your hands will join in my hand collection.

Hands Off

(The campers are taken to an event called the Swap Meet)

David: Ahhh. How I love the Swap Meet! It's packed with such priceless items! I'll be out making those swap deals! Don't do anything too rebellious while I'm gone! (Runs off)

Mabel: Oooh! Bobbly heads! They agree with everything you say!

Harrison: Upside down playing cards...? Maybe they can be of use...

Ered: A shit ton of hippy bandannas- Ah yeah! A real tool set! That's what I'm talking about!

Neil: (puts on glasses) ..... I just realized that I hate glasses. (Puts them off)

Stanley: (spots some watches) Look at these faux-gold beauties! They're mob boss quality! (Goes up to an old hag) Hey Hagface! How much for the watches?


Tyler: (to some chimes) Shush, you guys.

Stanley: Alright, you creepy bitch. Less talky, more watchy. (Puts down money and takes a watch)

Hag: (grabs his arm) GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY WAAAATCH!!!

(Nurf, like his reflexes control him, runs up and punches the hag in the face)

Nurf: Don't even dare fuck with my camp's supervisor! You could end up being a witch or something!

Stanley: (grabs Nurf and leads the kids out of her sight) Ugh, cheapskates.

Nerris: Someone here definitely needs a boost on her charisma.

Stanley: And her observation skills. (Shows the kids his watch wrist) Boom! Good job, heisting hands.

Dipper: Grunkle Stan, did you seriously just shoplifted from a witch? That sounded like a curse.

Nurf: See? I'm not the only one who thinks she's a witch!

Dolph: But witches only exist zin some horrifying fairy tales.

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