Late Night Calls.

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George was getting ready for bed, as usual, and just couldn't sleep, although he's slept all day he tried to get back his sleep schedule. Anyways, George decided to shower and get comfy so he can at least try to go to bed again.

After he got dressed in Plaid Pajama Pants and a White Tee - Shirt, he got in bed and closed his eyes straight to bed.

As he tossed and turned in bed, forcing himself to sleep, He just couldn't sleep.

The clock read..

"2:34 A.M"

"Shit." George said.

"This was way later then I expected to be awake."

Anyways, He tried again, tossing and turning. But again, just couldn't sleep.

He got up and went on twitter for a sec, checking all his dms until he sees Dreams.

I cant sleep, and i know your awake. calllll meeeee! pleaseeeee!!!!

"Oh god, Dream. So clingy." George said with a smirk.

But, He decided to go on a call with Dream anyways.

Dreams POV

Dream was waiting in the call, waiting for George and saw him trying to get in, He let him in the call and chatted with him. It was kind of awkward, because who would call someone in 3 in the morning, just out of nowhere?


"What did you call me here for, Dream?" George said.

"I don't really know. I guess i just missed you."
Dream replied, teasing George.

"Oh god. Shut up. We've only hadn't seen, or heard each other in 3 Days. You are clingy ahahah!" Said George, Laughing.

Dream loved when he made George laugh, It sent him butterflies.

"Oh come on, that's a long time we haven't seen each other! Right??" Dream replied.

"Well, Kind of. I dunno." George responded to Dream.

"You know it is. Even for you. I know you miss me too. Miss hearing my voice late at nights in calls when we play together." Dream said, Teasing. Practically flirting with George.

"I do." George said. George gets confident at nights when he's talking to Dream.

"Knew it." Dream said wheezing.

"Whatcha wearing?" Said Dream, Making George blush.

"Just um..Uh. White tee shirt...with plaid pajama pants?" George responded, trying not to stutter.

Dream wheezing in the back ground, Because he knew he was making George blush again, He could hear it in his voice.

"Hm. You seem to be laughing more then usual nights." George said to Dream.

"Yeah! I'm making you blush idiot. It's funny!" Dream responded to George.

"I am not." George said, trying not to smile.

"You so ar-" Dream got cut off my George regaining his confidence.

"Well, Dream. What are YOU wearing?" George said in a deep voice.

"Oh my god. You are so dumb." Dream said.

"Still didn't get an answer though." George responded, Trying to sound bold.

"Grey sweatpants, Black shirt?" Dream responded, back to George, Giving George the same energy.

"Ah, I see." George responded.

Dream laughed. He thought George was being cocky trying to be as bold as him.

"Oh my god. Your an idiot." Dream said, Blushing as-well.

After hours of flirting back to back, they decided to end the call.

"Will you sleep amazing now that you've Called me?" Dream said.

"Oh shut up. You decided to call me first." George said back to Dream.

"True. But that didn't answer my question." Dream said.

"Ugh. Yes i'll sleep well." George said.

He wouldn't actually though. He wanted Dream cuddling him.

"Yeah, Okay. I know you secretly want me there with you." Dream said, teasing.

"yea- No! No I do not!" George said, Blushing. You could even hear it in his accent and voice.

Dream was wheezing. Typical Dream.

"I know you do." Dream said.

"Even if i did, You wouldn't even come see me." George said.

"Oh I would, just for you too." Dream said, kinda sounded serious this time.

"Mhm. Prove that." George said , being bold.

"I will. Just you wait." Dream said, Sounding competitive trying to prove his point.

"You won't. I know you won't. You're just teasing me again. Like you always do." George said, Getting mad because he did actually wish Dream was with him.

"So what if I wasn't teasing you? All this time. What if I actually was just telling you all this, because I meant it." Dream said.

"oh my god." George said mumbling. Now he really couldn't control his blushing accent and tone in his voice.

"Prove it then." George said, giving that sentence confidence.

"I will." Dream said.

"First, It's 4:18 A.M. You need rest. Go to sleep okay? Will you be okay?" Dream said, Sounding serious.

"Yeah i'll be fine, Goodnight Dream." George said, Although there's no way George would be taking that sentence seriously. He really wanted Dream to just visit, So then maybe he could actually tell Dream how he actually felt.

"Goodnight, George. Love you." Dream said. Ending the call, still teasing him.

George exhaled again, trying not to blush through his accent again.

"Love you? what the hell. You know he's just teasing you again, Like he always does."

George's thoughts were all over the place. Tossing and turning in bed as he was trying to fight the thoughts.

George finally thought of Dream visiting him, Dating him, and much more.

He then fell asleep, peacefully.

Hello, again! I tried to make this in like in first period and it was actually a success lmao, but thank you again for reading! <3

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