Snow day, until next day..

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Cover Creds - @aerokuu on twitter!


Dream and George had now been dating for 10 months. They both got snow in their area, and decided to go out.

"Aha! Dream, It's snowing again!" George says, in a excited tone.

"WHAT? YES!" Dream said, picking up George in excitement as well.

George blushes and says "Let me go! You idiot!" laughing and blushing.

Dream lets George go and walks over to the closet to get some gloves, sweaters, and beanies.

They both went outside and the first thing they did in the snow, was building a snow man together.

"What should we name it?" Dream said.

"I dunno..Olaf?" George said, blushing and laughing.

"Hi! I'm Olaf! And I like warm hugs!" Dream said, imitating Olaf's voice from the Movie.

George laughed and said back to dream, "Hi, I'm George, and I like warm kisses!" As he said that, he gave Dream a kiss.

"Oh my god, George." Dream said, Blushing.

George was getting up from the snow and said, "What are you gonna do about it?" He started running so Dream wouldn't catch up to him to tell him what Dream would actually do about it.

Dream started running towards George and finally almost grabbed him.

"GEORGE!! COME BACK!" Dream said, Laughing.

"Noo!" George said in a silent yet funny voice.

Dream caught up to him and finally pushed him to the ground, softly and gently of course. George was laying on the snow and Dream was on top of him.

"What am I gonna do about it, You say?" Dream said in a flirty voice, "Kiss you, obviously!" Dream said.

Dream pecked George all over, Neck, Cheeks, Forehead, & Lips of course.

"Oh my god." George said, smiling hard and blushing.

It's getting dark now, George and Dream are now still on the snow laying down, watching the stars.

"It's so peaceful." George says, in a raspy voice. He was a bit exhausted from being outside all day with Dream, But they both knew they had lots of fun.

"Yeah, It is, mmfph-" Dream said, getting up as he whimpered from coldness of being on the snow for long.

"What's wrong, Dream?" George said, sounding worried.

Dream sounded much more raspier then his usual seductive voice, Even George noticed it. George then began to worry.

*is something wrong?*

*is Dream really okay?*

George's mind was racing with thoughts.

"Oh George, Don't worry, It's just cold." Dream said, starting to cough up and was trying to reassure George.

"If you say so, C'mon. It's getting late and we should get some sleep." George says.

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