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Cover Creds. - @li-wri on tumblr !
NSFW warning!


Dream and George had been dating for 11 months. Today was just another boring day, Until they both decided to go out maybe, just to have a bit fun and to have a bit of spice to make their days a bit better for the both of them.

George had been feeling attached to dream more then ever today, More clingier as a summary.

"Dreeeamm, don't leave me here alone!" George said, sounding tired and flirty.

"You're so clingy, George." Dream said, still leaving the bed, He left George laying on the bed alone.

George felt annoyed and stubborn that Dream just left him saying that to him, But he had to admit, He was being clingy today, more then ever.

"I'm not being clingy." George said, even after admitting to himself. Although he still didn't want to admit that to Dream.

"Mhm. Whatever you say, baby." Dream said, In a seductive voice.

"Get dressed, I wanna take you out so we don't have to be in all day." Dream said, sitting in a chair across from where George was laying.

"mmmkay." George said back to Dream, Getting off from the bed and gets out some presentable clothes to get out of the house in. 

Grey sweatpants and Dreams black smile hoodie. It fit George a bit over sized, but his pants fit him perfectly, George didn't mind Dreams hoodie being too oversized, though. He liked it better that way.

He went to the bathroom to go get dressed and came out like 3 minutes later in his outfit.

Dream looked at him in a blushy expression. He loved when George showed off his own Hoodie.

"You're such a tease." Dream said, blushing and throwing his head back in a flustered way.

"How? I'm just supporting my boyfriend, of course." George winked and gave him a kiss, He had to grab Dreams shoulders and push him down to George's height to give him a kiss, Dream didn't mind though, He loved when he did it to be honest. Height difference, am I right?

Dream then got dressed, In a black shirt, Grey sweats, and his favorite accessory, rings.

George loved how passionate Dream was with the accessory's he liked, for example, Rings & Bracelets.

George also got into accessories because of Dream. For example, Sometimes rings, Bracelets, Necklaces, aka, Dreams hand-

Ahem, Anyways.

"C'mon. Lets go!" Dream said, dashing to the door as George walked over to the door as-well.

George wasn't really feeling it, Usually when they went out it was either George getting strange compliments or Dream getting stared at from women, as in they were interested in Dream.

They decided to go to a shopping center that was pretty well known, about 30-20 people were in the store at the moment, They got out of the car and started chatting,

"What do you think we'll find?" Dream says.

"I dunno, hopefully snacks! I wanna have a movie night!" George says, passionately.

Dream kisses his forehead in awe.

As both of the men were walking towards the shop, George just looks at Dream in admiration. He couldn't believe he was this lucky to find a boyfriend like Dream. He's what George has always wanted in a boyfriend. Yet, George still doesn't admit that he's being clingy.

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