Before dating ; Discord calls.

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Cover Creds. - @Theresssa1 on Twitter!

Again, Before dating, George and Dream would always be on Discord. Late at nights, too.

// the middle of june 😏🙏🏼

12 A.M , whenever they decided to go into a call. Sapnap would be there too, but he wouldn't be in it for too long. He had stuff to do, as usual.

"I dunno. What do you wanna do?" Dream said, sitting down, putting his headphones back on.

"You called me! How was I supposed to know we were gonna do something?" George says.

"Because we usually do?" Dream laughs.

"Mmm, We can just talk..I guess?" George says.

"About..?" Dream says, leaning in closer to his screen of his computer. Signaling his voice that he was interested.

That's when they then heard a little sound affect.

Sapnap joined the call.

Dream rolls his eyes and leans back into his chair. From the other side of the screen, you could hear George's laugh. It was faint, but you could hear it a little.

"HIII!!! Sorry I was late. 'Had to do something." Sapnap said, laughing.

"You sound happy, what were you doing?" George responded.

"I just finished editing my upcoming video. It was stressful, so boring too." Sapnap replied.

Dream wasn't paying attention, he was more into hearing George's voice, replying to Sapnap every time he talked.

"Dream?" Sapnap called out.

Dream blinked back to reality. He sighed and responded, "Yes?"

"You alright?" Sapnap said, sounding concerned. He just assumed that Dream was tired, or not in the mood.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine." Dream replied, reassuring Sapnap.

"What's wrong? You seem off edge." Sapnap said.

"I've Had a crush on George for the past 5 months." Dream thought of replying with that to Sapnap, but he couldn't. He would expose himself.

"Just tired." He said instead.

After 30 minutes of chatting, only Sapnap would bring up the conversations, but it all came to an end whenever Sapnap told George and Dream that he had to go..again.

"Well, Sapnaps gone." Dream announced.

"Yeah..what is he up to anyway? It's literally almost one in the morning." George said, almost laughing.

"I don't even know. Probably with family, or a party, I dunno." Dream says.

There was silence afterwards. Pretty awkward.

Dream rolled his eyes. He cringed at the sudden silence between them. He picked up Patches, that was curled up in a ball on his feet below the desk. He hummed a tone he found over the radio a couple days ago, which made George wonder what it was.

"What are you singing?"

"Oh, It's just a catchy song I found over the radio, a couple of days ago, I think." Dream responded. He shrugged it off until George asked another question.

"Did you catch the title? It seems like a good song, just from your humming."

Dream kind of got flustered by that.

"Aww, George. You really liked my humming?" Dream teased.

"Shut up, I just liked how it sounded. What's the song?" George asked again.

"I think it was called..Let's Fall in Love for the Finneas." Dream gave in.

George stayed there sitting silent. He looked for the song on Spotify to find it and add it to his playlist.

"..Did you find it?" Dream asked.

"Yeah, Thank you." George said, smiling. You could even hear it through his tone of his voice. Which also made Dream happy.

Dream continued to play with Patches in his arms.

"Playing with Patches?" George asked, again smiling, making it obvious with the tone of his voice.

"Yeah-" Dream replied, but his thoughts wanted to trace to a different thought.

"i could be playing with you instead."

He shook his head to try and clear the weird thought. Although it was true.

"You should tell her I said hi!" George says.

As George wanted, Dream did. He told Patches in his baby voice, "George said hiii!" He told Patches. It made George's heart melt about how gentle and careful he was with animals, which Dream could say the same about George. He just found it adorable of Dream to be so good with pets. He wondered what else he was good at-



It hit 2 A.M . Both boys were getting more sleepier. The more sleepier caused their voices to become more deeper. They wanted to be on the call for longer, However as time went by, they only caught themselves getting more and more tired.

"I feel like sleeping already.." George says.

"Yeah, same. I'm getting tiiireeed." Dream said, slurring his words from a yawn.

"I say we should go to sleep." George replied.

"Honestly, I think that's a good idea." Dream chuckled, which made George slightly giggle too.

"Alright, go to sleep. I'll probably call you tomorrow. You'll be okay, right?" Dream asked.

"I will, thank you." George responded. George liked how caring Dream was towards him. Of course he was caring for everyone, but it was different when he was with him.

"am i catching feelings..?"

"George, George? Yeah, You're definitely tired." Dream laughed.

"Oh- Crap- Yeah sorry um, I'll be okay. Goodnight Dream." George responded.

"Goodnight George." Dream said, ending the call.

"I love you." George mumbled, but as he said it the call has already been ended.

George took a deep breath, in and out. He took the headphones off his head and set them down on the desk. He got into bed, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Dream ended the call, leaving him speechless. He wanted to tell George how he felt, but couldn't bring himself up to do so. He gently set Patches on his bed and took off his headphones, and put them onto the desk. He got into bed and Patches curled up next to him.

And now the both of them were asleep, comfortably and peacefully. Although, still quiet about their feelings towards each other. But they'll confess another day, of course.


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