Visit from Dream.

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A/N - Hello! So i know it's DNF oneshots but this might be a continuation of last chapter, but it can go two ways tbh, it could go as a one shot or just a continuation, either works fine! thank you for reading this a/n. enjoy the chapter :)


It was finally Morning. But since Dream and George both went to sleep at about 5-6 A.M , They both got like 4 hours of sleep each. George woke up from the loud birds chirping from outside, and Dream woke up from forcing himself up. Dream only forced himself up because today was important. Dream decided to go visit George for the first time. Dream was very nervous. He didn't know how'd he walk up to him. Would he just go up to him and say "Hi." , "Hi George." , "GEORGE!" ..He didn't know. He's never actually met up with anyone besides Sapnap. But since he's used to seeing Sapnap a lot, He'd already know how to greet him every time they met up.

George went straight on twitter after he woke up. He wanted to see if any of his friends tweeted something funny, like always. On his twitter feed, there was many dnf art. He'd comment on some time to time. Then obviously, millions of his fans would notice and make up more assumptions. He'd enjoy those too. Dream and George usually laughed them off. But deep down they'd want that to actually happen.

Dream started getting dressed and decided to go on Spotify. He shuffled his playlist and a song named "Death Bed - Powfu" He remembered putting that song in there because it reminded him of him and George.

The song ended as dream was getting in the car to go to the airport, another song was shuffled and it played "my boy - Billie Eilish" Which also reminded Dream of George.

"What a coincidence." Dream said.

"Why are all the song that remind me of him, play when i'm about to see him..?" Dream said with confusion.

Hours later passed and he finally arrived in London. He decided to call George to meet up at the Airport.


"Took you long enough to answer." Dream said sarcastically.

"I was in the shower, you idiot." George responded giving the same attitude.

"Oh...well i didn't ask. Come meet me at the airport. I'd say someone came to visit you!" Dream said with excitement.

"What? WAIT." George said in shock.

"YOU ACTUALLY CAME TO VISIT ME?" George said trying not to panic with excitement.

"I do keep my promises, don't I? Hurry up and get dressed i'll be waiting. CYA!" Dream said.

"WAIT-" George said.

"Oh my god. What just happened?" George said confused but surprised.

He picked out some presentable clothes to wear and went to the Airport.

George texted Dream, "Ok, I'm here."
George looked around to find Dream, Even though he never saw what he actually looked like, maybe he could tell by his voice. He started to look around until He felt someone hug him from behind.

"Oh Georgeee~~"


They both laugh and hug each other and it was a nice moment.

"How come i've never seen you before? Like your actual looks?" said George.

"I dunno. Insecurities?" Dream said sarcastically but laughed at the same time.

"Oh my god. You look handsome, Why would you be insecure?" George said, He caught himself saying that and covered his mouth in shock. "I- I mean-"

"George...WHAAAT?" Said Dream in shock. Did Dream actually hear that coming from George?

"Nothing. You heard nothing!" Said George, He was very red. He was embarrassed.

*why the hell would i say that. i'm such an idiot. now he probably thinks your a weirdo. god what is wrong with you*

"George, I know that was a joke, but now you're concerning okay?" Said Dream

*That wasn't a joke, Dream. i actually meant it.*

"I'm fine, just really shocked. I cant believe i'm meeting you!" Said George, Trying to fight back the thoughts.

"Good, Just checking up on you. Come on, Let's get out of this place!" Dream said.

After 15 Minutes Pass, George and Dream finally arrived to George's Place.

"Woah. This looks way cooler than i've pictured." Said Dream.

"Uh- Thanks?" George said, Hoping his house looked good.

They both sit down, George on his bed and Dream on the floor.

"George? What's wrong? You look upset..Or startled..Everything alright?" Dream said.

*Dream, I'm in love with you.*

"Oh my god, I'm fine" George said, Starting to sound like an asshole, Dream noticed it too.

"You're not, I can tell" Dream said.

"How would you know?" George said.

Dream grunted as he stood up from the floor.

"Your voice? Your attitude? How else would I know. If you wanna say something. Say it now." Dream said.


"No." George said.

"I have nothing to say, Dream." George said.

"Suit yourself, until you stop acting weird, i'll be in the living room." Dream said.

George said nothing.

After Dream left the room, George then got in his pajamas and fell asleep to music.

Dream suspected something. Usually George would feel bad for putting up arguments with Dream and apologize, but George wasn't coming out the room to apologize. He walked into his room to check on him and saw him asleep.

"Shit. Where the hell am I supposed to sleep?"
Dream said in shock and confusion.

"Thank god I wore something comfy. I guess I'm spending the night." Said Dream.

Dream tried not to wake George as he got in bed. Dream then fell asleep shortly after 10 minutes.

It is now 3:48 A.M. George was silently checking around to see if dream was okay.

"Where the hell is-" George said but was cut off with Dreams arm wrapped around his torso. Like he was cuddling him.

George finally felt safe. Safe in Dreams arms. George fell back to sleep and was happy. Dream meeting up with him, Dream being just as handsome as he pictured, Dream being soft around George today. Everything about today was great. George loved it.

*say it, say you love him. he won't hear it anyway.*


"I love you, Dream." George said.


"I love you too, George." Dream replied.


"Dream?!" George said shocked and with embarrassment.

"Look who finally confessed? I knew it would be you." Dream said.

"Dream...I- I don't know what to say? I just told someone I liked for years that I actually liked them?? Dream, I'm sorry. I know it's weird, You don't have to feel the same way I don't know why i would just confess like that I'm-" George said panicking, but was cut off my dream kissing him.

The kiss lasted about a minute.

"Shut up. It's obvious I've liked you too. Go to sleep idiot. I love you." Dream said, sounding happy and had soft feelings towards George.

"I love you too, Dream." George said, calming down, knowing that Dream felt the same.

They both fell asleep and It was amazing. What an Amazing day today.

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