Group Sleepover.

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Cover Creds. - @li-wri , on tumblr !


George and Dream had been dating for a year and 3 months now. Karl and Sapnap were dating also, but for only 2 months. It had been a month since all of them had met up. So, Dream being Dream, decided to invite them over for a group sleepover.

                           |  12:18 P.M  |

The clock read, as George was studying it. He rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up and get out of bed to see where Dream was.

He peeked out the bedroom door and saw Dream sitting on the couch, texting someone. It was most likely Sapnap.

Anyways, George walked over to Dream, and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Hello, George. Did you sleep well?" Dream said, sounding comforting.

"Yeah, It was a good sleep. Kinda sad that I had to get out of bed though." George said, yawning.

"Why so?" Dream asked.

"The comforter and pillows felt so soft." George  groaned.

"I bet." Dream said.

"What's that supposed to mean." George looked up at Dream, laughing.

"You're always sleeping in! I'm the one waking up early." Dream says, laughing as-well.

"True. It's a shame you couldn't just stay with me in bed though." George teased.

Dream chuckled at George statement.

"I would've loved to, George. But, Sapnap woke me up from spamming my phone." Dream said.

"What did he want?" George said.

"Eh, Just to hang out, He'd bring Karl too." Dream replied.

"Let them come! I mean- I am pretty bored." George says, in a cheerful tone.

"Alright, I'll text him right now." Dream said, Kissing George's forehead.



Dream : Wanna come over, After all?

Sapnap : Yeah, Is it alright if i bring..Karl?

Dream : No probably, bring him too! We need to catch up anyways.

Sapnap : Alright, I'll be there in an hour, lol

Dream : Ok cya then.


Dream ended the text conversation. As for George, He was just scrolling through his twitter feed, until he saw some fanart.

George choked up. "WOA- ahem. Okay." George said, immediately scrolling past the post, pretending like he didn't see it. 

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