Before Dating ; i wanna be your boyfriend.

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Cover Creds. - @Theobunz on Twitter !

This chapter is based off an amazing song, called

i wanna be your girlfriend - girl in red

It's a very good song! If you haven't listened to her songs or just that song, go check it out! enjoy the chapter :-)

( also lets just pretend the like george didn't already confess in the other previous chapter lol)

George had been sleeping over at Dreams house for a while now, but with his feelings towards dream..he couldn't really hide them anymore. Same with Dream. They would tease each other all day, like they usually do on streams. They do it as a "joke" , but they're both starting to develop feelings towards each other, which meant that one of them had to confess without play-flirting.

Speaking of flirting, Today, Dream was doing nothing but that. Even though it was in a joking manner, George could tell through it all that it wasn't supposed to be a joke.

Therefore, George decided to tease him the same way Dream has been doing for the past 3 days.

George stumbled upon a song, titled; i wanna be your girlfriend. The artist was girl in red. He played it every-so-often, but never fully paid attention to the lyrics. Until he did one day. 'fully listened to the song, and decided to tease Dream with it a bit.

Since they both obviously liked each other, it would mean nothing to confess, right?

wrong. Dream was obviously too scared to do it, and George would do it, but not in this way. Confessing through a song would be a new way to start a relationship, or so George thought.

He let all this thoughts get to him, until Dream came into the room he was in.

"Well, Good evening, George." Dream uttered. "Lovely seeing you awake."

George looked up from his phone, and now looking up to Dream, standing in the doorway. "Good evening. I believe it's good to see you here as - well."

Dream laughed at his remark, "You believe ? Oh come on." He said, walking towards the bed he was on, and leaning against it. "You know you love seeing me."

"Do I?" George teased back. "Or do you?"

"You're corny." Dream laughed.

"And you're not?" George said, giving sass. "You practically flirt with me everyday, and expect to not be called corny?"

Dream laughed at that as well. "Good point, but at least I'm smooth at it." Dream winked.

George could not help but to blush when he saw him wink at it.

"As you say." George said, running his fingers through his hair.

Dream noticed that George was being more frustrated, or more sassy today. He leaned off the bed and went to another angle of the bed, the left side of the bed in particular. George looked up at him, again.

"I'm bored, wanna watch a movie?" Dream said, trying to show sympathy.

George smiled a bit. "Okay, hold on." He said. Dream exiting out of the room, while George was getting out of the covers.

Dream walked over to the tv and saw that one of George and Dreams favorite movie they used to watch all the time.

"What movie are we watching, then?" George said, coming out of the room.

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