Dumb Little Arguments.

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Cover Creds. - @katiculla on twitter!


Dream and George were dating for One year and a month. Today was a bit more feistier at the moment. All day the were teasing, and being mean to each other. Was it as a joke, Or were they being for real?

At the moment, George and Dream were cuddling. They were both asleep. Until they then both wake up, at the same time.

George was just being George, Super stubborn and sassy when getting up, wishing he got more sleep as he'd wake up every afternoons, sometimes mornings, but mainly afternoons.

| 12:36 P.M |

The clock read, on the nightstand.

"Fuck." George says, with a deep voice from just waking up, as he looked at the clock in disappointment.

"What is it, Baby?" Dream says, rubbing his eyes, trying to wake up.

"We slept in again." George says, with a serious tone, He seemed pretty mad.

"Your fault." Dream says, laughing.

"MY FAULT? HOW IS IT MY FAULT?" George says, looking back at Dream from the bed.

"Chill out, I was joking." Dream says, still laughing, but starting to get just a bit intimidated.

"Literally, How is it my fault?" George says, rolling his eyes.

"First of all, It's a joke, Second of all, You didn't even set the alarm clock last night, like I told you to." Dream teased.

"Like I told you to." George mocked Dream, then slowly rolling his eyes.

"Yeah? Wanna be all rude when I'm trying to joke with you? Maybe I'll just.." Dream said, as he was getting closer to George, making eye contact, and then breaking the eye contact and looked and George's lips, signaling that he wanted to kiss him. But then-

"Maybe I'll just tease you a bit?" Dream said, pulling away from George, teasing him, and leaving George with butterflies.

"Dream! You can't just pull that stunt, and get away with it!" George says, in a faint voice. He tried catching his breath, but the butterflies in his stomach wouldn't let him talk without sounding like he was blushing.

"And why so? I can do whatever I feel like and want." Dream says, in a seductive yet tempting tone, while getting off the bed to go shower.

"Whatever." George said, in a bit of an angry yet blushy tone.

Dream then went into the shower, while George still was laying down on the bed, waiting for Dream to come back.

After like 10-20 minutes, Dream finally got out of the shower.

"Come cuddle with me. NOW!" George demanded, yet was also joking at the same time, although really he did want Dream to cuddle with him.

"I know damn well you're not talking to me like that...I know daaaamn well-" Dream says, in a seductive yet intimidating voice.

George blushes and says, "Oh yeah? And what if I was? I know you wouldn't do anything about it."

"Yeah, that's what you think." Dream says, while putting on his shirt, just giving up on George's attitude.

Dream finished getting dressed and then headed to the living room.

"Where are you goinnggg??" George groaned, while getting out of bed.

"Living room." Dream said, pointing to the living room, where he was about to go.

Dream went to go sit down on the couch, and yawned. He seemed pretty bored, and a bit fussy now that George was giving him attitude today.

George followed Dream to the living room, only to sit down with him and lay his head on Dreams shoulder.

"You're clingy." Dream said to George, laughing.

"I am not. I just love you." George says, fidgeting with the draw strings attached to Dreams hoodie he was currently wearing.

"Aren't you supposed to be mad at me?" Dream says, laughing a bit.

"Yeah. But It's hard to mad at you, You're adorable that's why." George says, looking up to Dream, slightly.

"I'm not adorable, I'm hot." Dream winked.

"Oh shut up." George says, rolling his eyes, laughing.

"Make me." Dream says, using that comeback for the like the millionth time.

George tilts Dream chin down, so both of their faces meet.

"Yeah? Maybe I will make you.." George says, giving eye contact.

"Mhm.." Dream says, tensing up and getting butterflies.

"I'll make you once you learn how to respect." George says, backing away from Dream, teasing him.

"Oh my god." Dream says, throwing his head back.

"That's what you get for doing the same thing to me a while ago." George said, winking at Dream.

"You know I didn't mean it." Dream says, in a stern yet blushy tone.

"But you did. You're always teasing me!" George says.

"True, true." Dream replied.

"But I am sorry!" Dream said, getting up from the couch, and starts walking towards George.

"mmmhm." George mumbles, in disbelief.

Dream goes from behind George and gives him a hug from the back.

"I'm sowwwwy.." Dream says, with a baby voice.

"That baby voice doesn't make anything better, It's annoying, you idiot." George said, laughing.

"How come! It used to make you feel bad!" Dream said.

"Yeah, until I got used to it!" George said back to Dream, still laughing.

"I know what will make you feel better." Dream says, still hugging George from behind.

"Is that so?" George says back to Dream.


"You're such an idiot. Although, you're correct. That would make me feel more calm." George says, laughing and blushing.

They both walk back to the couch and cuddle up together, They both pick a movie and watch it together. Both Dream and George were now more soothed and calmed down from the dumb arguments they had today. Cute and funny, But dumb arguments.


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