Through the Flowers.

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Cover Creds. - @najikyuu on Twitter!

"I'm bored." George says, getting up from were he was sitting. "Wanna go to the park or something?"

Sapnap looked over at George in a funny-like expression.

"You're so immature." Sapnap laughed.

"Oh please. As I said, I'm bored and wanna do something fun!" George said, sounding a bit sassy.

"Oh whatever." Sapnap said rolling his eyes, but laughing at the same time.

"Well," Dream said, walking into the room where Sapnap and George were at. "The park it is then."

Sapnap looked at Dream in a shocked expression. "Your into parks two?! Am I the only mature one here??!" He chuckled.

"It is calming, but yeah. Parks are cool I guess." Dream said, smiling, then looking back at George.

George smiled back at Dream. It made Dreams heart warm up, and leaving his stomach with butterflies.

Sapnap saw them basically admiring each other.

"Oh god- Get a room already." Sapnap said, rolling his eyes once again.

Dream caught himself admiring George, and looked back at Sapnap and thought of some cheesy comeback to say to him.

"Well, I bet you'd do the same to KARL!" Dream said, smirking.

Sapnaps face flushed red, "Ahem. Why bring Karl into this?-" He said, covering his face and giggling.

George laughed at Dreams remark, and Sapnaps reply. "Okay, Okay. Can we go pleeeasseee..?" George begged. He didn't want to be at the house anymore. He thought it was boring.

"Whatever." Sapnap groaned, but also getting up from the couch.

"C'mon, sappy nappy." Dream teased. "It'll be fun!"

"I sure hope so." Sapnap said.

They were walking and walking, chatting and chatting. Then saw a corner store. George saw it first although.

"Hey, A corner store!" George said, pointing to the corner store.

"Is it new?" Dream questioned.

"Well i've never seen it before. It probably is then." Sapnap replied.

"True." George and Dream both said.

The 3 men then walked over to the corner store, looking for some sort of candy or drink. They opened the door to see no one working.

"Well, That's weird. Why would someone leave the door unlocked and not be at work-?" Sapnap said, looking around for workers.

"True, Sapnap has a point." George said, looking at Dream. Dream agreed and nodded with him.

"Who cares, Lets get stuff anyway." Dream said, shrugging his shoulders and walking in the aisles.

Dream grabbed a water, and a sour type of candy, George just grabbed a water, and Sapnap got a sweet type of candy.

"Well..'Doors unlocked, No workers, seems as if no cameras..." Sapnap said slyly.

"..Are you saying we steal?!" George said, shocked.

"No one here, no cameras, unlocked store. I say we should!" Sapnap said, shrugging and sounding sassy.

"Hm. Sapnap is making very good points today." Dream teased.

Both Sapnap and Dream walked out the door, carelessly with their items, while George was still inside the store, watching them walk out. He looked back and forth at the two boys and the counter. He ended up giving in and reaching for his pockets for any money. He felt bad for just taking without anything else in return. He placed down 30 dollars and grabbed his stuff and catches up with Sapnap and Dream.

"What took you so long?" Sapnap said, placing his arm around Georges shoulders.

"Uhhh." George mumbled. "I had to something."

"And what was that "Something"?" Sapnap said back. He knew what George did, he just wanted to get the satisfaction of him actually admitting to it.

"..I placed money down on the counter. I felt bad." George groaned.

"Haha, You're a puss." Sapnap laughed.

"What? I felt bad. If someone stole from me, I wouldn't be so happy about it." George replied.

Dream just watched as they had their dumb little argument. He laughed at the remarks between their conversations.

"Oh whatever." Sapnap said, finally leaving George alone from teasing him about being a "baby".

There was silence, all they could hear was birds chirping, George humming, and walking noises as they walk together to the field.

"Hey, Dream, Why are you so silent today?" Sapnap asked.

"I rather spend time with George and talk to him instead, that's why." Dream said, trying not to laugh.

"Ouch." Sapnap said, laughing off the pain.

"I'm kidding, but i'm only silent because you talk too much." Dream replied.

"Touché." Sapnap said, laughing along with Dream.

They both laughed until they stopped, and looked at the hill they would climb up to chill on.

George had no time to wait, he really wanted to be on top of that hill to finally be outside of the house. Anywhere but the house would've been fun to George, clearly since he's been inside all day and week.

"Damn, George! Wait up!!" Sapnap said, as Dream was behind him, getting closer and closer to Sapnap, then to George.

George was the first to make it on top of the hill, then was Dream, then Sapnap.

"Jesus christ- God bless- Y'all are so fast.." Sapnap said, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, stop being such a puss." George said, now taking Sapnaps comeback and using it against him.

"Clever, George." Sapnap said, finally catching his breath and starts to laugh.

George laughed along. He sat down on the grass, filled with many different types of flowers. They were very flowy with the wind breeze. The breeze wasn't too bad, It was perfect actually. Perfect enough to hang out with his boyfriend..and friend, Of course-

Dream admired George, his hair lightly flew with the wind as well too, which made him seem very pretty in Dreams eyes. He sat down next to George and gave him a side hug.

"I loooveeeeee yoooouuu!" Dream said, emphasizing his words to sound like he really meant it, but also in a funny way as-well.

"I love you too, Dream!" George said, accepting the hug from him and finally hugging him back.

As George and Dream were hugging, Dream moved his head slightly to give George a peck on his forehead, which made George blush.

"Did y'all forget I was here? Oh get a room already." Sapnap said again. Laughing this time.

George and Dream looked at each other and laughed. Then they looked at Sapnap and laughed with him as well. It was a wholesome moment. A cute wholesome moment.


A/N - Hello! Sorry for barely posting chapters, My mental health isn't really the best at the moment, but I will still continue to do chapters since they still fill a piece of joy in my heart ahaha, but thank you for reading so far! See ya in the next chapter ! :-)

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