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While George was peacefully asleep, in the opposite room that Dream was in, Dream decided to surprise him. It was currently 2am, and Dream decided to hop into a discord call with Quackity, Sapnap, and Karl.

"HELLO HELLO!" Quackity said, sounding cheerful as he usually does.

"Hey Dream!" Sapnap said, calm.

"Hiiii" Karl said.

"Okay, So if I got you guys, Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap...tickets to come to London...would you guys come?" Dream confessed.

"Oh yeah, definitely" Karl said, quickly.

"I've been to London before while spending a month with y'all...so I guess it wouldn't hurt to go again." Sapnap said, as he shrugged through the other screen.

"mmm....Sure" Quackity accepted.

"Thank god. I bought the tickets like four days ago..and tomorrow's the flight..." Dream chuckled and exhaled from all the nervousness he kept in.

"You got them 4 days ago?! What if one of us said we wouldn't be able to make it??" Karl said, sounding as if he wanted to laugh but was trying to questioning Dream at the same time.

"Then it was a waste of money!" Quackity laughed.

"Yeah what he said!" Dream laughed, which made everyone else in the call laugh as-well.

They chatted a bit about it, and their flight was going to be tomorrow, 7AM.

"I'm getting exhausted just planning this out, Dream" Sapnap said, yawning between his sentences.

"I'm honestly excited." Quackity said.

"I can say the same thing." Karl agreed with Quackity.

"I think I'm going to head out. Goodnight everyone!" Sapnap said, yawning again, and leaving the call.

Dream noticed Sapnaps icon leaving the call, so he decided to let Karl and Quackity go as well. After all, it was getting late.

"It's getting late, we should sleep before we end up gloomy tomorrow" Dream laughed.

"Yeah, goodnight Dream." Quackity said, exiting the call.

"Goodnight!" Karl then said, leaving the call with Quackity.

Dream looked behind his desk, only to see George peacefully sleeping on the bed, covered up and looking very-very comfortable.

He smiled at the sight of George. He left his seat and got into bed, making sure not to wake up George, then after a bit, he fell asleep as-well.

7:34 AM.

George woke up to Dream gently tugging on him, signaling to wake up already.

"It's so early..why are you waking me up so early..?" George groaned, grabbing more of the covers to cover his face from the lighting in the room, waking him up more and more.

"Hmm, Maybe the feral boys meet up starts today, I suppose." Dream teased, telling George something surprising so he could wake up.

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