Late Night Walks.

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Cover Creds. - @hyxmix on Twitter , I believe !

Usually, When George was stressed or annoyed, Dream would bother him, asking him if he were okay, but this time was different, not to mention — more comforting and calming.

George was currently bored, and more quieter than usual. Of course he wanted to do something, but he was too nervous if Dream didn't want to do anything. He didn't want to embarrass himself, in other words.

Dream was on the couch, and so was George, and obviously they were cuddling — like always. That's when Dream decided to ask George something.

"I'm bored. Wanna do something?" Dream said. As he said that, George responded quickly.

"It's like you could literally read my mind !" He said, softly laughing, which made Dream laugh along with him.

Dream gently got up from the couch, as George did the same. Dream went to the room as George was left standing there, waiting for him.

So as a time killer, George decided to grab his phone and go on it, tapping on the app icon — Twitter.

He saw a few of everything, His friends posts, some interests he'd like, and of course, fanart.

That includes dnf fanart, which made him blush just scrolling past them, pretending like he didn't see a thing.

"George? You ready?" Dream said, snapping George back into reality.

George looked over, at a near-by clock, and saw that it hit 12 AM. He looked back at Dream and asked — "Are you sure their aren't any weirdos out? I mean- it is pretty late."

"Oh come on." Dream replied. "You're with me, that's all the protection you get, sounds like a lot of protection to me !" He teased, and winked at George, which made George laugh — and not to mention blush at the same time.

Dream opened the door, letting George outside first, then follows behind him.

They walked out of the house, and ended up on a different block of the neighborhood. George looked up at the sky. Stars, everywhere. It was beautiful. Dream glanced at George, making sure he was alright, but ended up seeing him looking up to the sky, which made him do the same too.

"The stars are pretty, aren't they?" George asked, which made him glance at Dream for a bit, then looked back up to the stars.

"Yeah, they're so pretty." Dream said, "...Just like you." He teased.

George felt a smile creep up on his face, following with his quote he'd always say after Dream would tease him. "Oh shut up." He said, giggling and blushing.

"It's- It's true though!" Dream said, looking back at George.

"Not nearly as handsome as you." George said, teasing him back, which made Dream a bit flustered as well.

They both laughed together, and it was a bit silent after that. Not as uncomfortable silent, but more of a comforting silent. Rustling leaves moving with the wind, the sound of shoes walking on concrete, and all of mother nature's night sounds. It was peaceful.

After a while of barely talking, George was getting tired, which made him cling onto Dreams arm.

"Getting tired, love?" Dream said, looking down at George clinging on his arm.

"Ye-Yeah." George yawned, making him stutter a bit from doing so. "..I don't want to be home though, It's boring there." George said, looking up at Dream, making eye contact with the dirty-blonde significant other.

"I suppose." Dream said, making George feel more comfortable by giving him a peck on his forehead. It made George a bit more happier, more than he already is.

After a few more minutes passed by, it hit 1:46 A.M . They both were still out, walking passed neighborhoods, shops that were closed, but still had lighting inside so they could see from windows, stray pets that George greeted, and many more fun activities. It was calming and relieving to be out of the house, at least that's what George thought.

They circled around, making a stop by their neighborhood. Which made George sigh, although he didn't want to be home, he was still very tired.

"We're home ..!" Dream said, sounding exhausted, but having a bit of excitement in his voice, which made George smile with him.

They both stepped up to the front door, and opened it. Patches meowed, greeting the both of them at the door.

George smiled again, and crouched down to pet Patches. Dream giggled, and walked straight to room. George could hear the shower noises coming from the bathroom. Dream was taking a shower.

George finished petting Patches, and walked over to the room, sitting on the bed waiting for Dream to come out so he can go in and take a shower right after him.

Minutes pass by, and Dream walked out of the bathroom, fully clothed. "Your turn." Dream said, smiling at him in comfort.

George smiled back at him, and grabbed a towel to bring in with him into the shower.

Fast forwarding, and George is out of the shower, black shirt, grey sweatpants. The first thing he noticed was Dream, already sleeping on the bed, under the covers.

His heart melted for Dream, it gave him butterflies and made him smile just at he sight of Dream himself. George got under the covers with Dream, and now George was under Dreams arms. Basically in a spooning position. Shortly after getting comfortable with themselves, they were now both asleep, in each other arms, asleep and peaceful. George didn't want to have it any other way, but to be with Dream everyday.


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