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Cover Creds. - @LustyPieLita on Twitter!


Dream and George always wanted to travel. Ever since they started dating. They've been wanting- Well at least George wanted to go to Florida for once.

"Why Florida?" Dream asks, groaning.

"I dunno, I wanna see what you experienced...I guess?" George says.

"I don't know, George. I mean, The weather there gets pretty crazy." Dream says, trying to convinced George that Florida was most likely not the best place to go to.

"I know, but..pleasssee?" George tried convincing Dream. Dream gave up on trying not to go back to Florida and just gave in.

"Fine, I guess it'll be fun." Dream says, groaning again.

"Yes!" George celebrates. He kinda felt bad for peer pressuring Dream into saying yes, So he stayed in bed and cuddled with him for about an hour. Which seemed to work, Because now Dream didn't care about going back to Florida. All he cared about was George's happiness. How cute.

After an hour of cuddling, It was about 8 p.m. George got up from his nap, and so did Dream.

George yawned.

"How long have we been asl-asleep?" George said, but kind of stuttered because of his stretch out of bed.

"Most likely for about an hour." Dream replied.

"Crap, don't we have to pack?" George said, sounding a bit worried.

"Eh, How long were are we expecting to stay?" Dream then said back to George.

"I dunno, maybe a day?" George says.

"Yeah, so then maybe pack an outfit? Maybe pack another just to be safe?" Dream then replied.

"Mhm." George said, nodding.

George got up and started heading to the closet, he got 2 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of shirts, and one hoodie, just incase of course. He put his clothes in a suitcase, while Dream was still being lazy.

"Dream, c'mon! We have to pack!" George says, Trying to get Dream out of bed.

"I rather sleep with you." Dream says

George automatically blushes.

"Wait- WAIT UH- Not like uh. That." Dream says, blushing and flustered.

"Mhm. Mhm." George says, sounding a bit flirtatious.

Dream smiled and rolled his eyes, still being flustered.

He got out of bed and picked out two outfits, put them in the suitcase and decided to lay back down. I'm guessing Dream was really tired.

George admired Dream, laying down. He thought Dream was adorable.

"You're an idiot." George says, immediately blushing.

"Oh come on. Come cuddle! Like you always want to!" Dream says, trying to reach George.

"Oh fine." George says, laying right beside Dream, but then fidgeting with the drawstrings on Dreams hoodie.

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