Lights Out.

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The cover of this chapter art does not belong to me! I'm pretty sure the @ is in the art too if you look a bit closely. Enjoy the chapter :]

It was stormy outside today, everyone in London was most likely expecting power outage, but everyone hoped to not receive that actually. George was pretty afraid of the dark, and Dream knew. That's one reason why George would stay close to Dream today, mostly because he was scared of the dark obviously.

"You're 24 and still scared of the dark?" Dream laughed. He couldn't believe it although it was true.

"Oh shut up." As George crossed his arms by his chest, walking towards the couch to sit down. Dream followed and sat down with him. He didn't want George to feel any different because he's suddenly afraid of the dark. But, It was pretty funny to tease him about it.

George grabbed the remote and turned the tv on that was mounted across from the couch. He put the news channel on and Dream rolled his eyes. Dream didn't really like the news, but George did.

"Power outage might be coming, located in all of London." The text read on the bottom of the screen. George shivered even at the thought of power outage, it was worse now that it was raining and thundering hard as-well.

Dream noticed that George was looking a bit nervous. He put his arm around Georges shoulder and brung him into a hug. He wanted to comfort George as the night went so he wouldn't be so scared anymore. It made George feel a bit more better.

Until the house started to flicker a bit. Only a flicker though. It made George jump a bit, from shock. Dream noticed the house start to flicker. He looked over to George to make sure he was alright. George was now fidgeting with the drawstrings of his hoodie. Dream found it cute, to be honest. Dream took George hands to make him stop fidgeting, and placed them into his palm. He was now holding George's hands. With his other hand, he cupped George's face. George felt okay again.

"You'll be okay, alright?" Dream said, reassuring George in a comforting way. Dream was always the best at comforting people.

"Okay.." George said, with trembling in his voice.

Dream brought George into a long, comforting hug. It made George feel so much better now. Dream didn't want George to worry anymore, so he turned off the channel and switched it to another, making it land on one of their favorite movies to watch. Mean Girls.

George's face lit up. It was his favorite movie at the moment, even though he's watched it about 100 times already, he still would sit down and watch it all over again if he had the chance. Dream didn't mind watching the movie over and over. He just wanted George to feel better at this point.

As George was watching the movie, Dream was admiring George. He loved his boyfriend with all his heart. He just wished he could show it more. It made him worry about if George was feeling a bit unloved by him. He didn't want to worry anymore, so he finally said something after about 10 minutes.

"..You know I love you, right?" Dream asked, sounding a bit shaky.

"You're an idiot. I love you so much, Dream." George said, giggling. He leaned up against Dream, making Dream wrap his arms around him. Now they were cuddling. Dreams worries now didn't matter now. At least George loved him just as much he loved George.

Everything was fine until a loud crash of thunder hit, making the power turn off. Tv and everything. It made George jump from shock. He wasn't expecting it and his fear made it much worst, but at least he was with Dream, right?

He started to shake a bit and tried to look at Dream. The big window from to the left of them was the only source of light in the living room at the moment. It made Dream appear a little bit, it did as-well for George.

"You're okay, I'm here." Dream reassured George. It made George feel a bit better now, But it was kind of awkward because there was nothing to entertain them, besides their phones of course. Dream had an idea though. He put on one of the songs that George and him both used to sing to each other when they first met.

"505 - Arctic Monkeys"

George looked back up to Dream. He smiled and blushed. They both started to hum to the lyrics, it comforted them both at this point, making them feel safe in their presence together.


"BUT I CRUMBLE COMPLETELYYY WHEN YOU CRYYYY" Both George and Dream sang, laughing as they sang both. They both sang the lyric that they used to over exaggerate to.

They both laughed at each other after that, they hummed to the other lyrics and both got tired. The darkness made it seem like it was already time for bed, although it was only 11pm. They didn't care though, They were both equally tired.

They hear a little creek and the power has turned back on. George's face lit up again, Thank god the movie was still playing. George laughed and Dream smiled back at him. George snuggled back up to Dream and Dream wrapped his arms around him, comforting him obviously, just incase the power outage happens again.

After like 30 minutes, Dream heard light snores coming from George. He tried not to wake him as he slowly peeked up at him, making sure if he was actually asleep or not, but he was asleep, that's when he found out. Dream kissed George's forehead and closed his eyes. After about 5 minutes, They were both asleep now. Both feeling safer in each other's presence.


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