Just a Little Scratch.

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Cover Creds. - @wanderlustlily on tumblr !

"You need to stop risking yourself for me." George said.

But that was later on, let's go back into the day where it all happened.

It was 11 : 36 A.M when George and Dream had woken up. Cuddling in each other's arms and comfort had paid off since they went to sleep early and woke up early as well.

George had woken up first this time, which was honestly pretty rare. He tried to stretch, but had forgotten that he was still in Dreams arms.

He slowly pushed away from Dream, and again stretched as he was about to do, but instead was interrupted in his boyfriends arms before. Now he was able to.

But as he was doing that, Dream slowly fluttered his eyes opened. He reached out for George again, and took him in his arms, gently of course.

"Dream- C'mon, we have to get up!" George giggled.

"I rather stay in bed with you." Dream teased, slowly closing his eyes again.

"Wake up, you idiot!" George laughed and tried to push away, which was useless because all his attempts failed, leading him back to Dreams arms again, and again.

"Nooo, stay in bed with mee." Dream groaned, being slowly pushed by one of his arms by George, signaling that George wanted him to get up.

"I would love to, baby, but we have to get up." George said, still tugging on Dreams arm.

Dream groaned again, and finally opened his eyes and sat from the bed. He yawned a bit,  stretched, then finally got out of bed, and went to the living room where George was there, sitting on the couch.

But being half awake and half asleep wasn't very helpful right now to go on the couch. It most likely would put him back to sleep. But George was sitting there, and Dream didn't want him to feel lonely, or it was maybe because Dream is just clingy.

So after all, Dream sat there with George, giving him a side hug while George watched the big screen, mounted above the entertainment center. It was George's favorite movie, so it was obvious that George didn't want to be bothered while watching it.

An hour passed and the movie finally ended. Dream couldn't finish out the movie though, he went to sleep during it instead.

George looked back at Dream. Dream was resting his head on his shoulder, still side hugging him to from the beginning of the movie to the end.

"His arms must really be sore after keeping them in the same position for an hour." George mumbled to himself.

George wanted to wake Dream up. He started tugging on him to wake him up again, but Dream wouldn't manage. George tried again and finally, Dream woke up again.

"George.." Dream groaned. He was really tired and wasn't in a very bright mood today, which caused him to have an attitude.

"Wake up." George said as he was still holding Dreams hand. "I'm bored, and wanna go out."

Dream yawned and stretched from the couch. Although he wanted to sleep more, he has been wanting to go out sometime.

"Fine, I'll go get dressed." Dream said, getting up from the couch and walked towards the room.

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