Another "Casual" Stream?

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Cover Creds. - @Sin3c12 on twitter!


George was going to stream today. With Dream in the background, he was most likely going to be teasing George the whole stream. That's also a reason why George wasn't going to put on his face cam today. Another reason is because if Dream accidentally walked in, everyone was going to see him. By everyone, I mean everyone. Everyone would watch it with their own eyes, and leave it like that, or everyone would clip it and send it off to all social media. Although Dream said he wasn't going to walk in, He still wasn't convinced. So that was two reasons why he wasn't going to turn face cam. If people were going to ask, he'd say his cat were being clingy today.

"Shouldn't you be streaming?" Dream asks, sounding very needy and sarcastic.

"Shouldn't you stop being so needy?" George replied back, giving Dream the same attitude.

"I was just asking, George." Dream says, getting up from where he was sitting to go to where George was at, which was right across from Dream. Dream tilted George's chin which made George blush.

"Wh-What are you doing-?" George said, with a shaky tone.

Dream kissed George, making George not fully complete his sentence. George's butterflies in his stomach went crazy. George wanted to continue the kiss, but he couldn't. He really had to stream. He hadn't streamed in like 4 weeks. Dream pulled away from the kiss, leaving George unsatisfied. George wanted that kiss to go on, but he also wanted to push Dream away before Dream got the opportunity to do it. But, Dream beat him to it.

"Well, aren't you gonna stream now?" Dream teased.

"Mph, Yeah." George groaned, getting up annoyed. He really wanted that kiss to go on.

George walked over to his room, making sure Twitch was already opened. He pressed "Go Live" and made sure his cam was off. There goes his chat, going insane. As always.


"No cam?"

"Dream is probably there that's why there's no cam."

Chat spammed. Typical chat, always making up assumptions.

"Hello everybody! Er- I don't have cam on because um." George said, peeking out the doorway. He locked eyes with Dream. Dream winked at him which made him realized that he was staring at him. It made him snap back into reality. Instead of staring at his boyfriend, expecting something spicy to happen.

George stopped peeking out the doorway, and paid attention to the chat again.

"Um- My cam isn't on because my cat is acting spoiled, again." George spoke to his chat.

"Anyways-! Today I guess we will be speed running again?" George said, now sounding upbeat.

Chat liked when George speed ran, it usually always was funny how George could never do it quick as Dream could. 40 minutes of his stream passes, and George is barely picking up Blaze rods. George is picking up the last blaze rod as his phone beside him vibrates. He glanced at it for a quick second, and noticed that it was Dream.

                             Dream <3

imagine if i just walked
in there, and starting
making out w you.


George automatically went red and went silent. Chat noticed as well.

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