Horror Games.

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Objective : Stay away from the mysterious creature, use your flashlight for lighting, and escape while trying not to die. Goodluck!

George read on the black screen. The only thing on the black screen was the objective, for now of course. At the moment, George was in the dark, setting the current 'scary' mood for the game. Dream was currently napping in the living room with Patches, and George was in the dark room across from Dream and the living room.

| play or quit |

The screen currently read. George was tempted to play, but was not so excited for the scary jump scares.

George gave in and pressed play. The setting looked like some sort of abandoned place, but the more he turned his mouse to get his surroundings, the more he that he saw stores inside of the place.

"A mall?" He said to himself, still wondering what it could be.

He continued to search around for items that would help him escape this giant looking mall of some sort, but was basically impossible because of how big the place was.

Dream on the other hand was barely waking up from the nap. He noticed that George wasn't in sight, so he rubbed his eyes open, and sat up from the couch. He blinked a few times so his eyes weren't as blurry anymore and finally walked over to the room.

He stood at the doorway, quietly. He tried to see what George was doing, and he thought it was just watching some random youtuber play a game, but noticed his hands controlling the mouse.

*wow, george playing a scary game? that's rare.*

Dream thought to himself, which made him chuckle, but not loud enough to get George's attention.

He slightly moved over to the bed, where George was at, but not making any such noise.


"Boo." Dream said, calmly, which still seemed to startle George, making George jump.

"Jesus Christ- You scared the living crap out of me." George said, softly panting from startlement.

It made Dream laugh from George getting so shocked and scared. It made sense though. George was playing a scary game and it was silent around the whole house, and from a startling scare was pretty jump-scary.

Dream then laid down right beside George on the bed, looking at the screen.

"Where even are you?" Dream asked.

"I think it might be an abandoned mall. I still don't know though. I just started playing" George replied, looking over to Dream.

"Your hair looks pretty messy." George said, softly laughing as-well.

Which George's compliment, it made Dream blush since it was so unexpected. "You really think so?" Dream laughed.

"Yeah, It's kinda hot." George said, now really laughing this time.

"You're so dumb, George." Dream said, grabbing the covers to hide his current blushed face.

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