Dreams Bad Day :-(

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Cover Cred. - @boobeardrawws on insta, I believe!


Today, Dream was having one of those days where he felt so stressed, he could cry. George noticed and tried everything to make Dream feel better, Although nothing would work. George didn't know if it was different problems or just editing.

George moved closer to Dream, on the couch where they were at. George looked at Dream and laid his head on his shoulder. Dream did feel happier now that George was with him at the moment, but he just couldn't do anything today. He was either sad or stressed. Probably both, but Dream didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to make George worried. The silence between them two was painfully silent. Until George broke it off.

"Dream?" He said.

"Yeah..?" Dream said, sounding a bit raspy and worried of what George would say to him.

"Are you feeling okay?" George asked, cupping Dreams face into his palms. George looked a bit worried, which also worried Dream because he didn't want for George to be all sad for him either.

"I'm fine, baby. Don't feel bad for me. I'll be okay." Dream said, comforting George.

George didn't believe Dream, but instead of confronting Dream about it, he just put his head back on his shoulder, in silence.

The silence went on for about 2 more minutes until Dream started to snore, quietly. You couldn't hear the snore, yet you could hear the inhales and exhales, but instead gently. It startled George since it was silent. Only the tv was playing as Dream and George cuddled up next to each other, watching the show they had been watching for about 2 days.

George let Dream sleep. He didn't want to startle Dream much more to the point where his stress or sadness would turn into attitude. Instead, George got up, trying not to wake Dream up. He tip-toed to the kitchen, hoping his walk on the wooden floors wouldn't be loud enough to awake Dream.

He got behind the counter and started picking out stuff to cook with. He didn't know what to cook, but whatever it was going to be, it had to be something that would make Dream feel at least a bit better. George got out the ingredients for a cake. He put them out, out enough to see and not to create a mess with either. Got bowls, spoons, whisks, and everything he'd need to bake a cake with.

George took a few glances, here and there to check up on Dream. George made sure not to be loud so Dream could have his rest in peace. George didn't want to wake Dream up. He wanted his boyfriend to sleep so he can try to wake up happier than before. At least that's what George was hoping for.

George put the two pans in the oven, set them in to cook, and took off a cooking apron. It was white, red, and blue. The white and blue were stripes on the apron, and with the red, there were hearts. The hearts filled in with red. Blue and White patterned stripes, with red hearts in every direction, all around. George found it cute. He'd honestly would wear it again if he'd plan on it.

As he took of the apron, he saw Dream fixing his position, trying to get more comfier on the couch. He turned the other way where George couldn't see his face, instead George was now facing his back. George shrugged it off and didn't really care, but then he thought to himself.

*what if he's awake? I mean, I can't see his face anymore. I'm faced towards his back.*

He fought the thought and heard the oven beep. George rushed over to shut it off, hoping it didn't alarm Dream to wake up. He glanced over to Dream, standing on his toes to at least get a good perspective of Dream face.

*Phew, He's still asleep.* George thought to himself.

He stood back down, and grabbed icing, White icing. He smoothed it down on the cake and now the strawberry cake was now covered in white icing. George then put blue dye in one container, and green in another. George put the Green icing and Blue icing in two different icing piping bags. The went around the cake in a circle and did a pattern.

Blue, Green, Blue, Green, all around the cake.

And finally, After George was done with the Blue and Green icing, He put in black dye and got a different piping bag with a small tip, leaving it big enough so George would write something on the cake.

He decided to go with an original quote all couples would say to each other.

"I love you, Dream!" With a red heart by the last letter of the word Dream.

It seemed as if it was the perfect time for Dream to wake up, And he actually did! Dream had woke up at the perfect time for George to be finished with the cake on time.

Dream rubbed his eyes, observing the room around him, not seeing George. He got up from the couch and stretch and said-


He was cut off by looking to the right, seeing George smile with a cake on the counter. Dreams heart basically exploded. He loved this surprise. But instead of thanking George, he just broke down.

George's smile turned into a worried expression, walking towards Dream. Dream was on the floor at this point, letting all his tears go by.

"Did I do something wrong?-" George said, trying to look at Dreams face while comforting him as-well.

George didn't get a response, instead he got a hug from Dream.

George was quite surprised, and actually- very confused.

"Thank you." Dream said, still crying into George's shoulder.

George rubbed his back, trying to show some kind of comfort.

"What did I do for you to thank me?" George said.

"Everything." Dream said, sort of sobbing at the moment.

"Everything?" George said again. Still comforting Dream in his arms.

"Yes, Everything. Thank you. I love you so fucking much." Dream said, still hugging George. Kind of tightly, but George didn't mind.

"I love you too, Dream." George said, trying not to laugh. He'd found what Dream said very adorable. He honestly got chills and butterflies from it too.

Dream and George sat there for like 30 more seconds, before getting up. George held Dreams hand, still comforting Dream.

They both walked over to the counter again, Dream sitting on the counter seat and George giving the cake to Dream, making sure he saw the text that was on the cake.

Dream smiled as he blushed as-well. George brought him into another hug. What Dream wasn't expecting was a kiss either, but Dream certainly got that too!

They both got a slice and watched the tv show play as they eat the cake, a few laughs came from them, and a few kisses. But they finally finished their cake and sat back down on the couch. cuddling in peace, while watching the tv show.


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