Fell Asleep In A Call.

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Cover Creds. - @tinypaperdraws on Twitter !

"I dunno, Dream. I don't know if I can make it to Sapnaps stream tonight." George yawned.

"Tired, aren't you?" Dream responded. He's known that George looked a bit tired from the beginning of their day.

"Yeah.." George sighed and looked back up at Dream. The most likely reason George felt tired was mainly because he was editing one of his newest videos he was going to put out the next day all night long. He went to sleep at 4A.M only to wake up to birds chirping at 8A.M.

"Have you even slept, like properly?" Dream said, walking closer to George.

"No, I only got like 4 hours of sleep last night." George said, rubbing his eyes.

Dream got closer to George as he opened his arms out towards a hug. George then leaned in and accepted the hug.

"You can go nap if you want?-" Dream said to George.

"I'd rather stay awake longer so I can go to sleep early." George replied.

"Makes sense." Dream laughed, which made George laugh as well. Still together in each other's arms.

"I'm gonna finish some editing.." George said, leaving Dreams arms to go into the room so he can edit.

Dream didn't say anything. It kind of caught him by surprise since Dream really didn't wanna stop hugging George. He wanted him there in his arms forever.

He shrugged it off though. He went into the living room and sat on the couch, with his phone in his palm. He decided to go on Twitter to see if anything new happened. But as expected, Tons and Tons of DNF fanart.

He wanted to like them, however if he did then that would make so many assumptions. Although he did like the attention he got from it every time George or him commented on one of the Fanarts.

But instead he just scrolled passed them, slightly getting butterflies by them. By a distance, he could hear the tapping of the space buttons and key board noises coming from the room. He exited off Twitter and stretched a bit before entering the room.


"Dream?" George replied, from looking at the keyboard and screen to looking up at Dream standing at the doorway of the room. His eyes were slightly open, after all he was really tired.

Dream didn't reply back. Instead he walked towards the bed where George had his computer open to edit. He went in bed and started to cuddle up under the covers.

"What..?" George said, he was confused but flustered at the same time.

"Put the computer down, you overwork yourself too much." Dream said, putting his hand over George's chest, getting comfortable.

"Fine.." George said, putting down the computer on the bedside table. As he finished putting it down carefully he turned back to Dream and rested his head on his shoulder.

George was getting too comfortable and ended up taking a nap. Dream noticed his closing his eyes, but he didn't want to wake him up. He knew how tired George was anyway. What would a short nap do?

Both of them ended up falling asleep side by side. George's head laying on top of Dreams chest and Dreams hand on his back, hugging him in.

Until there was a call coming from the living room. It was slight then getting louder and louder, that was now when Dream realized he was waking up from the call.

Dream moved from the bed, making sure not to wake up George. George ended up moving to the other side of the bed since Dream was already walking towards the living room.

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