Before dating ; Meeting up.

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Cover Creds. - @Aurlunsun on Twitter!

A/N - This chapter is more like a story before Dream and George were dating, although they still had feelings for each other during their friendship. Enjoy!

Before Dream and George were actually a couple, they'd meet up together all the time. Either if it were with Sapnap, or just the two of them.

Today was one of those days. They'd meet up again after maybe 3 months or so. At the time, they were both very successful streamers. And since most of their fans shipped both Dream and George together, Saying that both of them would meet up would make their fans make up assumptions, so they decided not to tell heir fans.

                                 dream :-)

| well, when do i have to go again?

Dream was streaming that day, until he got that text from George. The phone vibrated on the desk right beside his hand that was placed on the mouse. He looked over to it and grabbed it, replying with one hand, streaming with another.

                                george ;)

| well, when do i have to go again?

| mmm, you can come today if you'd want, 5pm?

He sent the message back to George.

From George's pov, he read the text and scrolled back to refresh all his apps. After he did so, he put his phone down near his bedside table. He sighed and rested his arm covering his face. Although Dream and George's friendship had lasted for years, George started to develop feelings for Dream. He finally convinced himself that it was true, his feelings for Dream couldn't really be hidden anymore. He's been trying convince himself that he didn't have feelings for his best friend, but the more he thought about it, the more flustered he became when Dream popped up into his head.

He finally stopped thinking about Dream as he sat up from his bed. His eyes were a bit blurry from just waking up about 10 minutes ago. He blinked them and rubbed them until he could properly see again. He then shifted away from his bed, getting up and checking twitch.

dreamwastaken is live: speed-running minecraft

George wanted to click the notification, however, fans would notice and tell Dream. He really didn't want that right now, now that George has finally came to terms with his feelings towards Dream, he didn't want fans to make assumptions to make him even more flustered than he already is.

He ignored the notification and refreshed the app again. Gently throwing his phone onto the bed while he goes to the living to refresh all his thoughts so he wouldn't be all panicky when he is going to meet up with Dream again.

As he sat down on the couch, he looked out through the blinds, which lead to the balcony, in the middle sky. It was 2pm. Only two more hours until he would drive over to Dreams house

( let's just pretend that they live an hour away from each other LOL )

Although it was 2pm , George still couldn't get meeting Dream again out of his head.

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