Cat nap!

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Cover photo Creds - @li-wri , on tumblr ! <3


Dream and George had been dating for 9 months now. Today was one of the days that George was feeling a bit exhausted. He was exhausted from editing one of his newest videos. He just hadn't post it yet.

Dream had noticed that George was a bit tired. He tried everything to try to cheer him up, For example...Cuddles, Kisses, & Play teasing.

None of that seemed to work however. George was still very exhausted.

Dream had only one more idea to at least try to cheer up George. He decided to get Patches, otherwise known as Dreams cat.

Sapnap had Dreams cat at the moment though. That means he'd have to talk about what happened that one day, then get Patches and bring him back to George.

He then decided to text Sapnap.

"Hey um, can i go by to get Patches?"

"Sure dude, we should talk anyways. come by and get patches, She misses you lol"

"Yeah, lol. i'll be there in 5." Dream texted back, ending the conversation.

Dream went over to George's room, where George was located at the moment.

"Hello baby, i'll be right back okay?" Dream said, with a soft voice.

"Okay, I love you, Dream." George said back to Dream. He felt bad that he was so distant from Dream today, But he couldn't control it. After all, He was very exhausted.

Dream kissed his forehead and told that he loved him more, It made George a bit happier, It also gave him butterflies.

Dream walked over to the door to leave the house and drive over to Sapnaps house. After about 5 minutes of driving he finally arrives to Sapnaps house.

Dream was already expecting what Sapnap was going to talk to him about. That one night, of course. He sucked it up and just went by the door and knocked.

Sapnap opened the door and immediately hugged Dream, After all, he did really miss his best friend.

"Dude! Dream! I haven't seen you in forever!" Sapnap said, still hugging him.

"Ah, I missed you too, Sapnap!" Dream said, again feeling happy that he's finally meeting his friend after about a week.

"Patches, look who's here!" Sapnap said, as Patches was coming Sapnaps way to the door.

Dream was excited to finally see Patches again. He crouched down and petted her, He then walked in Sapnaps house as He greeted Dream in.

"It looks super cool in here!" Dream said.

"Thanks!" Sapnap said, being grateful.

They both sat on a couch across from each other. The silence was painfully awkward. It lasted about 3 minutes.

"So um..About that night...Dream." Sapnap said, with a smirk.

"Oh my god, don't even mention it." Dream said blushing and getting embarrassed.

"Y'all were really um, Going at it." Sapnap said.

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