Snow day..With Sapnap of course!

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Cover photo credits - Gerg on Twitter :)
Enjoy the chapter!


Florida never had any snow, Since the hot weather obviously. Since George and Dream have been dating each other for 5 months already, they started experiencing new things together. Today was going to be one of those new things trying out together. London finally snowed. And since Dream decided to live with George, He had finally experience some snow!Since Dream is usually up earlier then George, He decided to wake George up.

"Ngh, finnneee, I'm up, Dream." said George, waking up

George had only gotten about 5 hours of sleep, Of course he'd only get that much of sleep, He's always up late.

"SAPNAP! GET UP!!! I WANNA SHOW YOU SOMETHING!!!" Dream said with excitement.

Sapnap had been spending the night that day. Sapnap did not expect a snow day though.

"Oh my god, Dream. WHAT DO YOU WAAAANNTT???" Sapnap said, He also barely got any sleep that day.

"GET UP, SAPNAP! ITS SNOWING!!!" Dream said. Still with an excited expression and voice tone.

George and Sapnap got in Appropriate clothes for the cold weather out. Gloves, Beanies, Scarfs.

"SNOWWWW!" Dream and Sapnap said, Very happy and excited.

George just stood there and looked at them in confusion. "You guys don't have snow where you used to live, Dream?" George said, Still confused.

"Are you serious? It's Florida! Come on now, You should know the weather there!" Dream said, Surprised.

"Oh. I didn't know." George said as he sat in the snow.

Sapnap didn't even bother paying attention to Dreams and Georges conversation. He was too busy making snow angels and Snow men.

George went to the hard and sturdy frozen lake. He changed shoes and put on ice skates on. He finally went on the frozen lake and started to skate around, Very gracefully and slow, picking up the pace from time to time.

Dream was playing with Sapnap in the snow. They're still acting like children while making Snow angels and Snow men. Dream then looked over to call George when he saw that he wasn't around anywhere in sight.

"George?" Dream said, almost panicking.

"Dude, chill. He's literally right there on the ice!" Sapnap said, trying to calm down Dream.

Dream turned around and saw him, skating around, He looked..

"So Graceful." Dream said.

"Dude, what?" Sapnap said.

"Oh, OH. YOU GUYS ARE A THING?" Sapnap said.

"Been a thing for five months. Get with it Sappy Nappy!" Dream Wheezed while saying that sentence.

"WHAT THE HELL! 5 MONTHS AND DIDN'T TELL TIL' NOW?" Sapnap said, sounding very shocked but happy for Dream and George.

"Sorry, Hahah!" Dream said still laughing.

"DUDE! CONGRATS!!" Sapnap said. Still happy and very smiley for them.

"Thanks! It's been going good! George has been probably the one i've loved ever since we meant. Well y'know, As a romantic way." Dream said, Sounding very soft for George, While still watching him skate around.

"Congrats dude, that's literally so amazing!" Sapnap said, Sounding very proud.

Dream and Sapnap both watched him skate this time.

"Gonna go to your loverboy?" Sapnap said, Teasing Dream.

"Yeah..Wait a sec.." Dream said, Observing the ice George is skating on.

"Oh my god..GEORGE!" Dream said.

"Wha-?" George said in confusion.

Dream is running towards George to try to save him from falling into the lake.

"DREAM? WHAT ARE YOU DOI-" George said, but got cut off by Dream pushing him into his arms still trying to protect him.

"Ow." George said. George is on the snow, Dream is on top of him And is still in position of pushing George out of the way from the lake. Dream and George both started blushing.

"OH MY GOD. ARE Y'ALL OKAY??" Sapnap yelled so dream could hear him.

Dream covered George's ears so he wouldn't yell to loud for him, y'know..since he's still on top of him from saving him.

"WE'RE FINE!" Dream said.

George groaned, Only because it hurt when Dream pushed him to the snow.

Dream then blushed when he heard him make that noise.

"Y-You alright, George?" Dream said, making sure he was alright.

"Yeah, You pushed me a bit hard, but I'm fine." George said, Sounding grateful to be in that position and situation with Dream.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Please forgive me. I didn't mean to push you that hard. Oh god, I'm so sorr-" Dream got cut off by George pecking him on the lips.

"Dream, I'm fine! At least you actually saved me from possibly injuring myself. I'm grateful. Thank you." George said while getting out of the current position they both were in, and winked at Dream, Reassuring Dream that he was fine.

Dream inhaled and exhaled. Accepting that George didn't mind being pushed a bit hard. Still blushing at the fact that George pulled him in for a kiss and winked at him after. It sent him butterflies.

George took off his Skates and put them aside. While he put on his normal shoes. "SAPNAP! DID YOU SEE THAT?" George said while trying to make Dream feel confident and happy again.

"YEAH!!! DREAM TOTALLY SAVED YOU! WHAT A HERO!" Sapnap said, playing along with George because it was obvious that Dream was still scared of accidentally hurting George too much.

Dream then regained his confident self and agreed that he was a "hero" . Classic Dream!

George kissed him on the cheek and smiled at him for more Reassurance that he was perfectly okay. Dream then finally knew George was okay.

All of them walked back to George's place and watched a movie. Then all fell asleep watching it. <3

*If anyone knows what artist did this art lmk!*

*If anyone knows what artist did this art lmk!*

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