Mall Trip with Possessive Dream 👀

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Cover Creds. - @darrrot_ on twitter !


Dream and George were planing on going to another shopping trip. But today, Dream was acting more clingier and possessive with George. Even he noticed too.

"George..." Dream said, with a deep voice. Dream had just woken up, so of course he'd act a bit clingy in the mornings.

"What." George replied, with a stern voice. He had just woke up too, and usually when George woke up, he'd be all fussy.

Dream pretended to fake cry because he knew the tone that George was giving him was basically attitude.

"I- I'm sorry, Dream. I didn't mean to make you cry-" George said, checking up from behind himself, so he could take a perfect glance at Dream to see if he was actually crying or not.

"Got ya!" Dream said, wiping the tears that actually came while he was fake crying.

"Oh my god. You're an idiot." George says, rolling his eyes and laying back down.

"Oh come on. Cheer up." Dream said while hugging George under the covers of the blanket to the bed.

George started to blush. He loved cuddles from Dream. Especially hugs.

"Haven't we been up for an hour? And you're still hugging me and acting clingier than usual?" George said, laughing.

"Mmfph. I couldn't care less. I am not clingy either." Dream said, smiling. Dream knew he was being more possessive and more clingier. He just didn't want to admit that.

"C'mon. You have to admit it." George said, pulling back from Dreams chest, That's where Dream originally brung George into a hug.

"Noo, Hug me back!" Dream said, again with a baby like voice.

"Mm, You're being clingy." George said, sitting up from the bed.

"I am not. I am showing you my affection." Dream said, trying to hug back George. But, George wouldn't let him. I'm guessing George wanted to give Dream a little tease.

"I just wanna hug you forever. I wanna be with you forever. I wanna be yours forever." Dream said, sounding bold and serious.

"I'd wanna be mine too." George said. Wow, Confident George? That's rare. Especially towards Dream at least.

"Oh really?" Dream said, sitting up from the bed too, raising an eyebrow.

"Mm, yeah, really." George said back, feeling confident and bold.

Dream moved closer to George, planting a kiss on George's neck. Making the boy whimper from pleasure mixed with chills.

"D..Dream." George said, slightly trying to push Dream away. But that didn't let Dream stop from what he was doing. What a tease.

"Oh my god, Dream..please." George said, again trying to push Dream away.

Dream stopped kissing George's neck. Now there were some new marks added onto his skin.

"Dream, I can't keep covering these..marks." George said, sounding worried.

"Who said you had to cover them? I mean, People still have to know who you belong to." Dream said, tilting George's chin up to look at him.

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