A Trip to the Park!

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A/N - The cover photo doesn't belong to me! I don't know their @ but once or if i find out I will give credit ! Enjoy the chapter. :)


It had been a year and 2 months since Dream and George had been dating. Today, it was lovely weather to go outdoors. After all, Dream did want to get some fresh air. Yet, George on the other hand, Wanted to stay in a cuddle with Dream.

It was pretty early. Dream and George had both been trying to get back on schedule and it had finally worked.

"George! Look at how pretty it looks outside!" Dream says.

George sits up from the bed, and rubs his eye, trying to wake up from his short nap. He walks over to the window that Dream was located at and rests his head on Dreams shoulder.

"Yeah, It is kinda pretty outside." George yawned.

"Isn't there a local park somewhere close? We should go to it!" Dream says.

"Yeah, but wouldn't you wanna cuddle all night?" George groaned, also flirting.

"Oh shut up. C'mon! We need some fresh air anyways." Dream says, dragging George to the door.

"Hold on, Hold on, Hold on!" George says.

"I still need to get dressed!" George said, escaping Dreams grasp.

"Oh, Right." Dream says, laughing.

George rushed to the room to get dressed, so he wouldn't have Dream waiting too long.

He got dressed in a blue smile hoodie and whitish-grey, other know as light grey sweatpants.

George patted down his clothes, incase of fur on his clothes, from patches napping on him.

"Alright, come on." George says, walking towards Dream.

Dream was very excited. George would barely want to go out because of..

One - judgmental people.

Two, weirdos.

Three, He'd just want to cuddle up with Dream while watching movies.

But, I guess George was feeling a bit calmer than usual. Which was pretty rare.

They both went into the car, and drove around until they found the closest, calmest, park.

5 minutes in the car ride and George looked out the car window.

"The sky is pretty, isn't it?" Dream said, while admiring George while he looks at the window.

"Mhm." George said, smiling.

George could feel Dreams eyes on him, He blushed just thinking about it.

"Dream, I know I'm pretty, but you don't have to admire my beauty while driving, y'know?" George teased.

"You're so dumb." Dream said, sarcastically, but while blushing too.

They finally arrive at a park, which was perfect for the both of them.

"It's so pretty, We should go out more often!" George says, smiling.

"Go out more often? Coming from George?? That's rare." Dream said, smiling.

"Yeah, It is rare. But, consider it!" George said, still smiling while looking back at Dream.

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