An Anniversary Surprise.

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Cover Creds. - @swizstix on Twitter!

It was finally Dream and George's anniversary, well at least since they first friends. Dream thought George would've forgot since he always forgets special events, and usually sleeps during them too. But that didn't stop Dream from surprising him. He planned out that he was going to go get flowers, some of George's favorite snacks, and maybe some more stuff that George found an interest in. What Dream didn't know was that George already planned out what he was going to do for Dream, which was also the same thing that Dream was going to do for George. But at least they did something for each other!

It was currently 9:46 A.M when Dream awoke. He stretched and yawn, making sure to not wake George of course. He slid his arm off of George so he could fully sit up, although it did make him a bit sad since he wasn't going to be cuddling his boyfriend anymore, but was going to go get a surprise for him instead.

Dream probably stretched too much that he accidentally made George slightly wake up, making him half awake.

"What are you doing.." George said, with a deep voice. He had just woke up, well at least half awake now.

Dream was now getting out of bed, but he had no choice of just leaving George without a response. It would've left George worried.

"Uhhh, Groceries!" Dream said, trying to think of something quick so George wouldn't suspect him.

"But it's barely 10? Why are you leaving so earl-" George said, but getting cut off by Dream coming back to the bed and leaning over to give George a kiss.

"Go back to sleep. I'll be right back, okay?" Dream said, reassuring George.

"...'kay." George replied, closing his eyes and drifting back to sleep.

Dream then put on a shirt, and walked to the door to open it. He did see patches walking around the house, so he picked her up, petted her for a bit, and walked back over to the room to lay Patches down with George, so at least George can have some more comfort while Dream is gone.

Anyways, Dream exited out the door and to his car. He turned on the radio and the first song to pop up was a song called

"Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery"

He looked back at the radio to study what he was listening to. He then found the song familiar since he thought he knew someone that liked the song. Turns out it was George who liked the song. Dream then turned the volume up slightly and hummed to it. 3 minutes pass and he arrived to a local boutique that his sister recommended once. He usually never took his sisters advice since half of the time he didn't believe her. But she always had an interest about this store, so I guess Dream just wanted to try it out.

He walked in and the only people in the store was the cashier. She welcomed him in and Dream waved back, he didn't say anything since he was still one of the famous twitch streamers most known for playing the most well known game, Minecraft. Since he didn't do a face reveal yet, He could be able to show his face, but what he couldn't do is really talk. Which also sucked as well. So all he could really do is not speak that much and mostly do hand signs.

Dream went to the back of the store, and picked out some flowers, tulips, daffodils, and lilies. Which were some of the flowers George really liked.

"He'll like these." Dream mumbled to himself. He felt proud of himself for finally remembering something George liked, instead of not paying attention to him when he talks because he's too busy admiring him instead of listening.

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