Group Haunted House!

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It's been 6 months since Dream and George were dating. Dream was Just driving around London, At the moment, It was going to be Halloween. He saw a "Haunted House" For scares and for Halloween as-well. Since Dream and Sapnap enjoyed scaring each other as kids, He decided to text him to tell him about it.

"Sapnap! There's a haunted house like 5 blocks away from George's place, wanna go to it tomorrow?"

"Hell yeah dude. I miss when we used to do this when we were kids. oh! should we bring George along?"

"Yeah!! Alright, meet me at George's house, we will try to convince him there! 7pm!"

"Alr. Cya there !" Sapnap replied. Ending the conversation.

7p.m came by quicker then expected. Sapnap and Dream go to George's place and get all secretive and quiet.


"Dream? Sapnap? What do you guys want..?" George said with confusion.

Nothing to be heard from Dream and Sapnap.

"Oh god. What do you guys want now." George said sighing.

"Mmmmmaybbbe you could come to the Haunted House down the street with us?" Sapnap said, Trying his best to convince George.

"Oh my god. You both idiots know I hate anything to do with Horror." said George.

"Pleeasasseee??" Sapnap said.


"Dream? Did you make Sapnap tell me this?" George said, Already knowing what was going on.


"Maybe. But yeah, I'm with Sapnap. Please? I'll hold onto you the whole trip...please?" Dream said, Doing a pouty face and trying to get George to come along with them.

"Fine." Said George, Finally giving in.

"YES!" Both the boys say, Dream and Sapnap.


It is now 1A.M and Dream and George are still awake, Dream spooning George as they cuddle. It was peaceful. Soon George fell asleep to Dreams comfort. Then Dream fell asleep soon after George went off to sleep.


It's 12 p.m and George and Dream wake up.

"Oh god. Dream, get up!" George said trying to move so he can wake up.

"Wha- What? George, Is everything alright?" Dream said, Confused and shocked.

"We over slept." George said sighing.

"Again?" Dream groaned and laid back down in disappointment.

Dream and George were trying to go to bed on time so they would get up and get dressed quickly and head off to go looking at places in London.

"I'm gonna shower, You should wake Sapnap up. If we wanna be there on time, We have an hour to get there." George said.

"Can I shower with you?" Dream said teasing and flirting with him.

"Oh shut up, Dream." George said with a smirk on his face, He started getting red and blushy.

"Make me." Dream stood up from where we was laying. He sounded serious.

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