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6:00 AM.

George was still awake. It seemed like he did an all nighter again. They both, Dream and George, were lying down on the bed together. And as usual, cuddling of course.

Dream was asleep, but he could barely sleep due to George being up, and not asleep in his arms.

Usually, when George does all nighters, he is back and fourth on his phone and computer, but this time he was just one his phone. This time he was on Twitter, and had his Spotify playlist playing as he scrolled through the Twitter feed.

He turned the music down so Dream wouldn't be awoken by it, but it wasn't quiet enough. Dream woke up to the sounds of music playing, faintly as George was awake, scrolling through Twitter.

Dream slithered his arms around George's waist, up to his chest, as in a hugging way — or cuddling. It made George turn back to face Dream.

"Dream..?" George said softly, making eye contact with Dream. "Your up? You could've said something!" He said, surprised.

"Well..I'm up now.." Dream replied.

"I'm sorry- I should've just turned off the music. Was it too loud?" George asked.

"Oh uh no, no, not at all..I just woke up to seeing your screen on I guess?" Dream replied, again. "But that's besides the point— Have you even slept?"

"Maaaybbeee.." George giggled, but Dream on the other hand face palmed. "Again? An all nighter again?" Dream said.

"I couldn't sleep!" George exclaimed.

As George was telling Dream what made him not sleep at all, Dream kept his arms around George, cuddling him. He slightly got up and saw the clock on the nightstand. It read ;

6:47 A.M

Dream saw the clock and moved one arms from George's waist to rub his eyes. He had to think of something to make George fall asleep. Usually he'd tell him stories about his childhood, or just random stories in general.

But this time it was different, Dream thought about telling George about the things he'd remember of some stories involving their relationship.

"Y'know.." Dream said.

"Hm?" George mumbled, basically meaning he was interested in what Dream was going to say next.

"I remember practicing how I would ask you out to the mirror." Dream said, almost laughing out of embarrassment.

George blushed and laughed. "Really?" He said.

"Yeah, I would always practice and practice. But I guess you beat me to it, as in confessing." Dream responded.

"Oh right, I did confess first!" George said, laughing.

"Of course you did, silly. How could you forget?" Dream said, sounding a bit surprised.

"It's been 2 years since we've actually dated. I don't really remember much." George laughed.

"You make a point." Dream laughed with him.

There was silence after that, but then George remembered something as-well.

"I used to talk to my friends all the time about you, and I still do, but they got so annoyed when I brought you up, because I'd talk about you like every minute." George said, smiling. He started to cover up his face with the blanket, indicating that he was blushing under the covers.

"Are you blushing under the covers? You're hiding under the covers because you're blushing?" Dream said, trying to see under the covers as he giggled.

"Oh shut up." George said laughing as-well. He was still a bit red.

"That's adorable. I bet your friend really did get annoyed." Dream teased.

"Oh trust me, they did." George teased back.


"Just a few years ago, We were best friends, and met by playing Minecraft. And now? You're cuddling with me, while I have my hands all over your chest." Dream said, laughing.

George started blushing again, he laughed to cover it. Now George was getting a bit tired, but he still wanted to talk to Dream about all the things they remembered.

"I remember how I wanted to say I love you without getting nervous, but that obviously failed." George said. "I never really told anyone that I loved them, You're lucky." He said, giggling.

"I know you love me, how could I not know?" Dream teased. "I'm kidding, I never wanted to confess either. I thought you'd push me away like the rest of the people did when I said something." Dream confessed. "But you're different. You're the only one I've actually enjoyed being with, as in being around with, enjoying your presence, enjoying just you." He said, starting to get serious. "I really do love you, George."

George stayed silent, he was a bit sad for him, but he knew how much he loved Dream, and how Dream felt the same way. It made his heart melt about how much a person could care for him.


"I love you, Dream. I really do." George said, now facing towards Dream, giving eye contact.

Dream blushed, and felt butterflies in his stomach. "I love you too, George..!" Dream said, hugging in George.

"I'm starting to get tired now.." George said, which made Dream feel accomplished.

George gently dug his face into dreams chest, He felt like going to sleep now, and with dream cuddling him, it was more calming to know that his boyfriend of his dreams would be right there with him, comforting him as he slept.

Dreams heart melted for George. He then continued with his stories, which obviously were true. "First time I saw you, I could not keep my eyes off of you." Dream said, rubbing George's back in a comforting way.

"And in other times we met, I'd practically get too embarrassed to say anything. I'd most likely end up stuttering." He slightly laughed.

"And now..Now I get to finally wake up to you. The perfect one of my"

"I love waking up to you, and you're all I think about. You're literally everything to me, George."


"I love you so much." Dream finally said, ending all the stories.

Little did Dream know, George was still awake, listening to Dreams little confessions.

"I love you more, Dream." He replied.

Dream was caught by surprise. "YOU WER- You were up?!" Dream started to get red out of embarrassment.

"What's the matter? Don't be embarrassed! It's adorable!" George said, trying to comfort Dream now.

"I guess so, but get some sleep. You need it!" Dream said, cuddling George still.

"Fine, fine." George replied, as he laughed and turned around from facing Dream, as of now, their position was basically spooning.

Dream stayed up a bit, calming George down and making sure he would fall asleep, and as he expected, that did happen. George was now asleep.

Dream got up gently, and got a glance of George, now he knew he was finally asleep. He then look at the clock, which read ;

7:34 AM

He smiled a bit, knowing that the boy of his dreams were know in his arms, practically cuddling and sleeping peacefully. Dream kissed George's head, and went back to cuddling George.

A bit more minutes pass, and now the both of them were asleep, George in Dreams arms, and Dream cuddling with George.

7:46 AM. The clock read, which was the time they were now both asleep, in tranquillity.


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