New Years Together. <3

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It was finally New Years, New Year's eve to be exact. George and Dream were going out to Sapnap's party he hosted. Obviously Sapnap would invite all of their friends, including some others that just want to party of course.

1:43 P.M

George was wrapped around Dreams arms. George nuzzled himself in Dreams chest, it was comfortable for him. Sadly although, he had to awoken up.

"George, C'mon get up.." Dream said softly.

George didn't really want to wake up yet. He was still tired from the previous night.

"Do I have to...?" George said, still half asleep.

"It's New Year's eve, baby..I'm pretty sure we have to wake up." Dream said, softly again, yet sarcastically at the end of his sentence.

George fluttered his eyes open, blinking a few times because he at first saw things blurry. He moved away from Dream and sat up from the bed.

"Good morning, darling." Dream teased, as he sat up from the bed as-well. And if George was being honest, the pet name made him blush. He just didn't want to admit that though. "Or shall I say afternoon?" Dream laughed.

"What time is the party?" George asked.

"I'm pretty sure late. Maybe at 10 pm, possibly." Dream replied.

"I'll ask Sapnap." George said.


| what time is the party ?

| . . .


| what time is the party ?

| 10 pm

"Yeah," George said, putting the phone down. "You were right." He then giggled, which made Dream laugh as-well.

"Well, we have like 8 hours left." Dream said. "What should we do in the free time?"

"I don't even know." George said, plopping back down on the bed, which obviously made Dream do the same. 

"Perhaps another nap?" Dream said, in a funny like tone.

"Yes please!" George said, looking at Dream, laughing.

George went back to his positioned he last fell asleep in. Which was nuzzled into Dreams chest. Him and Dream were now comfortable and again, fell asleep.

*2 hours pass*

4:30 P.M

George was now the first to wake up. And again, he sat up from the bed. He started to tug on Dreams shirt a little, signaling to wake up. And as George did so, Dream began to wake up as-well.

"That nap was- Amazing." Dream said, cutting of his words due to stretching.

"Yeah it was." George laughed. As much as he wanted to fall back asleep again, he decided to fully wake up this time. He got out of bed while Dream was still warming up to the fact he had to be waken up already, and went to the living room. Usually the living room would wake him up. The sun glaring through the windows beamed out so that the two lovers could see sunlight even inside of the house, as in reflecting.

George sat on the couch. He grabbed the remote that was beside him and turned on the large flat tv. A random movie appeared.

Shortly after the fact that George got up to the living room, Dream did the same.

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