ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ 001 (pt2)

139 11 7

*everyone shushing him*

"Are you okey?" You asked her.

"Not really,i just not used to this.Celebrating my birthday in public,i prefered at home with relatives.People wanna be my friend just bcs of popularity and money." Annie leans againts the grey marble sink.

"Well me too."

"You seems familiar to me.Did i saw you anywhere?."Annie eyed you suspiciously.OUH wait ur Lalisa Manoban?" Annie asked."How do you know?" You asked,panicked.

"Who doesn't ur the street dancer i always watched 3 years ago but you dont go there now,are u married?" She asked made you shocked and you said "Yes im a married woman now hehe, shouldn't you go out now? There might be someone whos waiting for you" You said.

"Someone looking for her,its Jisung the Ceo of Park empire."Soobin said to y/n.

"I saw Jisung looking for u,wanna go out now?" Y/n asked while smiling then offered her right hand to annie.

"WAH kajaaa"

"I saw Heeseung look at you y/n,better be careful control ur walk and behavior he knows u more than u know urself" Ryujin eyed Heeseung carefully who was watching you and annie walked to Jisung the Ceo.

"Wait,im FREAKING OUT where the hell is y/n!!!" Yeji got mad and really confused why stranger following Annie to everywhere she goes."Chill eonnie i send someone who i trusted the most to accompany Annie while y/n,ya kno has a business to do at the bathroom and took a really long time to finished that." Ryujin said to Yeji whos nearly cried.

"Don't tell me ur gonna cry" Hyunjin spat that words and make Ryujin,Sunghoon laughing their asses out.

"N-no why w-would i" Yeji stuttering."As far as i kno Yeji never stutter when she talked,admit it Yeji-ah ur on the edge of crying" Hyunjin grins."I.Hate.You Hwang Hyunjin" Yeji said,gritted her teeth.

3rd person povs

"Hello Jakey,working as a bartender must be on duty ehh?" Heeseung appeared making Jake almost drop the glass hes holding."Yup,anyway hyung ur still busy attending those meeting of yours?Do you wanna drink?".

"Yes ive been busied and just got here yesterday from California,meeting there and here is such a boring work."Heeseung played along."I've been wanting to ask you this since u were a friend of y/n.Have you seen her?"Heeseung eyed Jake expecting he will stutters but no."No hyung,she said shes busy doing her assignments i suppose,i haven't contacted her these past few months.

"Ouhh really.Okay then i'm going now thanks bud."He pats Jake's shoulder and hide this hidden recorder at Jake's back.

"I think you should go to the bathroom and search everypart of urs to check if theres any recorder." Yeji said,watching Heeseung walking to his family table.

(Jake goes to the bathroom,search the thing and found it so he told everyone abt it)

"Act normal when you comes back arachi?" Yeji said.

"Sure do." Jake said,fixing his pants.

"What are u doing?" Soobin asked him from afar.

"What?,i've been wanting to say this.Who the hell brought me this size of pants huh? Its freakin tight at the under part." Jake hiss silently and continue making the guests drinks.

*Suddenly the president giving a speech*

"To everyone who attended this party,i would like to say Thank You very much for spending time with us and since today is my lovely daughter's birthday I'm gonna hand this mic to her,Thank You once again." The president smiled so wide and give the mic to his daughter.

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