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"Can you please shut the hell up for once?" Jay hissed and Sunghoon stick his tongue out."I can't wait to go home and sleep.Jungwon can you pass me my headphone please?" Jungwon raised his eyebrow and nodded giving his stepbrother his headphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen,thank you for choosing I-Land Fly for today.." The voice said and everyone turn their attention to the staffs.

"Wonie,if we arrive in Washington can we get crispy kreme (is dat how you spell them?)" Sunoo,their cousin asked and Jungwon chuckled."Yeah i craved for it too." Sunoo smiled and close his eyes.

"Jay........Jay...............Jay you bitch."

"What dummy?" Jay hissed and opened his eyepad."Who is the captain for today?"

"I'm not sure but why ask?"

"Just ask."


The voice is talking again and everyone waking up,streching and opened the window.

"Yeahh finally." Sunghoon yawned and accidently smacked Jay's face."Shit.....I'm so sorr-"

"Save it." Jay said with the i'm-used-to-this face.Sunghoon laughed apologicly.

"We arrive,straight to home to do grocery shopping." Jay said and Sunghoon nodded.

"Hyung....Can we get-"

"Crispy creme? Yeah sure." Jay smiled at the two of them and laughed.

"Jay you have the lis-OH MY GOD." Sunghoon hug Jay's right shoulder."THE HELL IS GOING ON."Jay panickly shouted and Sunoo/Jungwon face palm at their terrified hyung.The plane seems shaking abit and dropped for 2 second,shocking the crew in plane.

Sunghoon gulped and licked his dry lip,the handsomeness is long gone.He glance beside him and saw a girl maybe he assumed same age (24 years old) chilling while reading a book.

The plane is landed and parked.Everyone calm down and taking a queue to stand up and take their hand carry bag.

Four of them is out and waiting for their luggagge at the waiting place.Sunghoon still stunned at earlier's situation and Jay calm him down.

Sunghoon glanced beside him and saw the same girl.

"How can you still read a book when everyone is terrified?" The girl widen her eyes and smiled.

She met them again thats why.

"The pilot is my boyfriend....I knew he'll land me safely......Thats my bag,nice to meet you guys btw." Sunghoon nodded and she takes the black lugguagge with one hand.

"Soooo Captain Taehyun is her boyfriend?" Sunghoon asked and Jay shrugged."I guess so."

"Wait isn't that Heeseung hyung?" Sunoo interupted them and pointed at the two figure hug each other.

"Wa-Thats why Heeseung hyung said he will be in Washington too."

Heeseung looked around and spotted them,he widen his eyes and saw them smirking.


"He never said he has a girlfriend."Sunghoon said and they all smirking.

"Spill the tea later." Jay mouthed Him and he nodded shyly,holding your hand walking together towards the entrance getting picked up by a driver.

"Why do you looked so pale?"

"I'm fine its just i'm tired and wants to sleep." He smiled and kissed your nose."You did very well today baby." You smiled and hug his hand as he chuckled.

"You know,after the unbalance happ-"

"Are you okay that time? Im really sorry.Taehyun crack a joke and we were laughing so hard." You laughed and resures him that you are fine.

"I met two noisy people today,they were pretty funny.They both shouted at the same time and hug each other.One of them asked me how can i still reading when everyone is scared."

"And what did you answered?" He grins playfully."I said no cause my boyfriend will land me safely." You said and giggling.

Heeseung laughed along but soon realised.

"Do you know them?"

"Jay and Sunghoon i guess since they practically bickering all the time." You shrugged.

Heeseung mentally laughed at her.

You smacked his shoulder and he winced in pain."Don't playin when you in air pabo.Poor them." You glared at him and he nodded apologetic."Promise i won't do it again." He said.

You nodded and kissed him on the cheeks."Since you admit its your fault,i will be cooking tonight.And do what ever you want to do." He widen his eyes.



"Can we watch marvel?"

"Even marathon i'll watch it with you." He kiss your hand.


"She is very familiar don't you think?" Jay began and munched his donuts earning a nod from Sunghoon and Jungwon.

"I can't believe you guys didn't recognise her at all." Sunoo looked at their confused face.

"What are you sayin?"

"Guys remember when Heeseung hyung failed his exam at 7th till 10th grade?" They nodded a memory of them together in highschool suddenly came back.

"She is the one who tutor him." Sunoo said and sipped his coke.

"Wait..............Hwang Y/n.The school bestest student?" Jay said and Sunoo nodded.

"She is hella scary and always scold us especially Heeseung hyung." Jay scoffs.

"That girl is changed i guess,she became more polite and smily." Sunghoon added.

"They both looked quite good.Heeseung hyung always smilling thru his phone everytime we had a reunion." Jungwon laughed and they all agreed.

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