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Lɪsᴛᴇɴ ᴛᴏ Dɪᴀᴍᴏɴᴅs ʙʏ Sᴀᴍ sᴍɪᴛʜs.
Hᴏᴡ ᴅᴇᴇᴘ ɪs ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ.
(even tho the lyrics is the opposite meaning but its just the rythm of song hits different so yehh)

Ancient prophet said there will be one of the heir in 7 chamber that'll break the rules of vampire.This young,cold,possesive and strong boy is none other than Yang Jungwon.The most powerful yet the youngest heir of Yang's Empire,fell in love with a human who had a pastself related to the vampires.That Young Heir will reach 20 in two weeks but still couldn't find his soulmate yet.Not until she show her real self when a big war happens,its her duty to protect him as he is to her.Moreover-

"Still talking abt that vampire thingy?" Sora scoffs as Jisoo glared at her.

"Y/n can i talk to you for a second?" Winter asked as you nodded."What about?"

"Do you somehow know ur family history?" Winter asked as you raised ur eyebrow."I do but not all of it my parents seems hesitate to tell me the rest especially when it related to my ancestors who are a powerful witch.They said i looked very much like her,my great great great great grea-"

"Yeah yeah i know." Winter rolled her eyes playfully making you giggled."Actually i just knew abt our history from halmeonni." Winter exclaimed.You both were cousin,sorry for the late introduction."Ohhh can i know?"

"Yeahh ofc so she told me abt that thing bcs she somehow get caught by me at the attic,i found a red book and it named Ahn.She told me that vampires still exist and still searching their soulmate.You know Mr and Mrs Yang?" She asked but you just shakes ur head.

"That family is actually vampire and their son is still searching his other half.But she told me that the son is the Prince of all vampires meaning he's the alpha.The thing is their son is missing or so everybody thought.Never once people saw their son." Winter explained carefully.

"Halmeonni said you are the heir to ur family because you are a powerful witch Y/n!" Winter said making you confused.

"What are you trying to say here eonnie?" You asked.

"Is your parents ever tell you when you reach 19 u will know everything abt ur past self and the prophecy?" Winter gasps.

"Yeah they did told me bout that but not the prophecy."You became more confused."Your birthday in two weeks right,10 february."She asked and you nodded.

"Im gonna go now thanks for the information eonnie." You rushed outside and Winter just hum in responds.

-At home-

"Eomma!!! Where are yo-"

"Im here dear why are you shouting is everything alright?"
Ur mom gestures you to sit down besides her on the couch but you kneel infront of her while ur palm rested on her lap.

"Who am i eomma?" You blurted the question,ur mom seems stressed and tense."Your my daugther what else?" Your mom try her best to keep calm infront of her daughter,moreover the girl who can make that person speak truth as if she can read their mind while its just psychology.That ability she took after her grandmother.

"No thats not the answer i wanted,tell me eomma who am i and what exactly i am."You asked,eyes pierce to ur mom eyes.

"I cant dear,im really sorry Y/n but you have to find it out by yourself." She sobs making you softens.

"Im sorry if i make you cry eomma its just i-"

"No its not,its just i-"

"I love you eomma,dont worry i will always be here with you."

"That words will change soon my child,you bethrothed (is dat how u spell it?) with someone importand eversince you were born.Thats all i can share." Your mom go to her room while you just stood there confused.

"Who am i and why does i feel like i need to protect someone? Why does my neck is itchy as if it need to be sucked by a-WTH i hate myself for thinking things aghhh i need to stop listening to Jisoo's fantasy story abt vampire." You cuss urself.

Third person povs

He drives his precious black Audi with full speed heading to his family manor.Suddenly his phone ring.

"What is it you want?" He began with fury evident in his voice.

"You know running from reality will lead you to a big mess more as if its already are Wonie."

"I cant find her at all hyung what do you expect me to do?" He asked frustatedly.


"Fine,fine im going." Jungwon said and ended the call.

Where are you my love?

he said to his self.

-At Yang's castle-

"Hyung im he-"

"Come lets go to the meeting room hyung." Niki pull him.

"Woniee that bitch will be there too."Sunghoon began as he rubbing his temple slowly.He can see the future.

Jung Aira,the most evil witch of this centuary and also someone's biggest enemy.

"Aigoo i wish she still alive."Sunoo pouted.

"Who?" Wonie asked making them scoffs.

"Amora noona ofc." Niki stated.

Suddenly his eyes turn red,both fangs appeared and the room is shaking.

"YANG JUNGWON stop it." Jake shout at him.

Jungwon stops and look at Heeseung with anger in his eyes.

"Why did you do that hyung." Wonie began as Heeseung burst out laughing.Heeseung read his mind where Him and Amora kissed with full of passion under the full moon.He remembered her bcs that girl is his first love and kiss as he never talk to girls.People called him the cold prince but still respect him in many ways.He is just an innocent boy living in the bold and strong body.

"Wth,hyung this is not a joke.Can you stop reading my mind? Please Heeseung hyung do you really have to poked my butt like that." Wonie whine making others confused.

"Whats in ur mind Jungwon?" Jay asked and others too but except Sunghoon who is giggling with Heeseung.

"Istg imma kill u both."

"Ahhhh i kno,Amora is his first lo-" Sunoo said but soon fell of the chair by Jungwon.

To Be Continue...
~So this is the first oneshot i made abt Jungwon and i hope you like this story.Do vote and comments ur thoughts in this one.

•Author Dk

L.ʜs x Y.ᴊᴡ ᵒⁿᵉˢʰᵒᵗˢWhere stories live. Discover now