Hᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ #2

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Your pov

Today imma try again climb that goddamn tree,finding the beautiful bird with her childrens so i can draw them.

Hai my name is Dayeon and am 18 years old university student with not so many friends just a few and am thankful enough to have them.Ya see my life is just a simple average young adult living in dorm while my parents are away to another country for bussiness trip.

Lets see if luck is on my side today.

3rd person pov

She finished her all classes and is now evening,heading to the park with her hoverboard and sketchbook along with her other tools.

As soon as she get there,its almost empty even tho the park is big and very suitable for a couple eww yeahh for them but for now its just a few people.Easy for her to climb the tree tho.

She put her hoverboard besides the big tree and climb the tree.

"AKKK you're here,hello birdy.Mind if i draw you ehehee." You said and giggled.

She heard a sound coming from the other tree and spotted a boy.

That boy always there with his camera.

He attempt to capture the bird as he positioned himself.He tried for 2 weeks now same with her.

The thing is they both from the same university yet didnt recognize each other.

"Please help me god." He inhales and exhales.He leaned on the tree and captured the bird with his camera.

"YESSS" He grins in satisfaction.

While you on the other side is struggling to maintain ur stability.

"Wo-woah please calm down tree just this one and i promise to stay away from you.Sorry if im heavy." You stabilized urself.

But your body move so much causing you to loose control.You tried to hold on.Unfortunately you fell from the tree,thankgod the grass is soft.You bump ur front body with a soft thump.

"Oww." You groans.

The boy shocked to see you so he hurried down and run to you.

"Miss are you okay?" He helps you to sit down.

As soon as you both faced each other,

both of your heart is,


"A-ah yes im fine thank you for helping me." You said not looking at his eyes.

The bird flies away,you watched the bird slowly dissapearing in ur sight,

tears escaped ur eyes and you sobs silently.

"Wh-why are you crying is there something wrong?" He panicked seeing you.

You pointed at the bird and he looked where you pointed.

He giggled cutely hearing ur cute sobs and red nose.

"I had the picture miss you dont have to worry." He chuckled and you looked at him and pouted.

"Youre lucky." You sobs.

"Come on i'll buy you ice cream." He dont know why he said that to a stranger he just met as he always the cold one to people.

He pulled you and bring you to buy the ice cream.As you both sit at the bench.

"Whats your name?"

"My name is Kang Dayeon.Whats yours?" You licked the ice cream.

"Mines is Yang Jungwon." He smiled.

"As if i seen you before but i dont know where,im in english literature Yonsei university" You said and he nodded.

"I think you did.We are in the same university.How abt you borrow my camera so you can draw from it?" He asked and you nodded excitedly.

"Woahh thanks Jungwon." You said as he gave you his camera and he smiled.

"Wait,should i call you noona or something?" He asked.

"Im 18 years old." You said and he just chuckled.

"Birth date?"

"Im 15 september." You said and he grins.

"You should call me oppa." He said and you gave him the 'what-look'.

"Why would i do that?"

"Because im 20 years old." He smirks as you widen ur eyes.

"Im so sorry." You hide ur face.

"Sorry what?"

"Sorry Wonie oppa." You said with poker face and he became flustered.

The fuck!! Why did i call him that?!

"A-ahh thats better." He eat his ice cream.

(After a few hours of knowing each other the sky is getting dark)

"We should head back to our dorm now its late Dayeon-ah." He said standing up and reach ur hand.

"Yeah kaja."

"Do you have transport?" He asked.

"I come with my hoverboard imma get it there,wait here." You run to the tree and take them.

"Let me just drive you to the uni Dayeon." Jungwon said.

"You have a car?" You asked.

"Yeah i do its from my dad." He smiled and you just nodded.

"Okay then letz gooo." He chuckled as you pull him running to the parking lot.


"Soo i see u around okay?" He said and you nodded.

"Thanks for the camera oppa,love you bye!!" You ran to the girls dorm leaving him all blushing.

Eversince the tree incident you guys became more fond of each other.He started to fall inlove with you since then.

This guy is a simp for you.

Yang Jungwon,the second son of chairman Yang Monarch company has set his eyes on you only.

"She is different from all of the girls appa.I want to marry her and build a future with her,can i?"

"Bring her to dinner tmr son.Im sure ur eomma will love her.I do too,you never describe a girl like her Wonie so she must be very important to you." His appa grins as Wonie blushed.

"She likes average and i cant even give her luxury." He sighs.

"That type of girl you should make wife with Wonie.Intelligent and natural beauty,i want my grandchildren to be like you both." He giggled.

"Hajima appa."

"Appa thats too much for our Wonie to handle but i want a niece or nephew real quick arachi?" Heeseung grins but soon faded as their appa smack his shoulder.

"You should find a woman to be with you thats all i ask since you declined to be a ceo." Appa scolded him and Wonie just laughed.

"I found one already okay."

"But that was 2 years ago you used that phrase,you're 25 now." Heeseung just sulking.

"Araseo." Heeseung said in a pout face and walked away.


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