Gʀᴏᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ғᴜʟʟs ᴏғ ᴅᴏʀᴋ

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"Coach said we had to practise in netball hall today hyung." Heeseung,captain of basketball and also the beloved top student with cold and strict bad boy type said to Yeonjun.

Yeah,Choi Yeonjun is ur older brother and also befriend with Heeseung and others since kindergarden.

Heeseung never meet you bcs he doesnt have a chance?

Compared you and him.You are the funny and boyish type of girl,always make people laugh at you and believe me all of the students loves you.Heeseung,is scary and hella handsome,people like him bcs he is respective and mature boy.

He is bold and cold,

You are funny and warm,

As if he just met his half.

"Sowhh are we just finishe-"

"DONGSAENG!!!!!!!!!" Yeonjun shouts and you flinched.

"The fuck you want?" You hissed and all of them burst their laughter.

"Eheheh we will borrow this hall for 3 hours practise,basketball hall is closed and our coach wanted us to practise here." Yeonjun hugs his girlfriend,Yeji your best friend.

"Okay we just finished practise anyway." Reina said.

"Can we stay here and watch you guys play?" Lily asked and Yeonjun just chuckled,Lily,Jake has a crush on her.

"Annyeong girls." Sunoo greeted them and they smiled.

As all of the member arrived,ready in position for warming up but one person is still hasnt come.

"Sorry i'm late." Heeseung run towards them and they nodded.

Heeseung took a glance at your friends sitting on the hall's chair(i forgot the name of that ಥ‿ಥ).

"They're just finished and wanted to watch us training if thats okay with ya Seungie." Yeonjun chuckled and Heeseung gave him a small smile and nod.

"Okay in position.3,2,1 start!!"

3rd person pov

Minutes has passed,they all are so into the game but not giving 100% enough because of a distraction.

When you in the same area or place with the dorky group you will never seek peace as they always crack a jokes,arguments and extras asses.

"Because of you that freakin cat's butthole went inside my thumb you stupid bish." You hissed at Reina and all of them burst laughing.

"Thats why alert,ALERT." She spat.

"Yah yah thats enough." Lily controlling her laugh but failed.

"Guys what do you named people you hate?" Yeji asked and all of them stared at her.

"Easy bake coupon." Reina said.

"Spam email." Suni continued.

"Wet sock."

"Itchy sweater."

"Y/n,whats urs?"

"Billy." You said with a poker face on and they burst out laugh,again.

"Babe you want me to come to your dorm tonight?" Yeonjun asked Yeji as he sit beside her with sweats drippin.

The others sit there too.

"Yeah sure."

"I'll bring Heeseung,Jay and Soobin yeah?" They all nodded.

"Guys why dont you hangout at the highest floor its pretty chilly tonight." Reina said.

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