Fɪʀsᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ

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•Hes a ceo finding a pa but found you.The actual name of urs is kim Y/n but changed to Yang Jisoo.
•Ur not dead.Just ur brain is loosing so much memorie

-At Heeseung's house-

"Saehee,appa will be in my office okay.Just watch whatever you want,there's your favourite snacks too." Heeseung said softly to his 5 yo son.

"Araseo appa." Saehee giggled and Heeseung chuckled as he walked towards his office upstairs.

After 40 minutes the movie 'Endgame' Saehee getting bored so he wondered around this big house and head towards Heeseung's office.

"Yes,you need anything son?" Hee asked eyes still on the computer."Can i wondering around in ur mysterious office appa?" Saehee asked innocently and Heeseung just nodded." Suree"

Saehee go to his mini library and spotted the most odd purple book.The name of the book is Saerin Choi.

"Woahh,this is so beautiful,APPA!!" He is so amazed by the drawing,its a girl who is busy reading under the big tree.

"What?!! Ohh Saeheee dont scare me like that.What do you want?" Heeseung replied.

"Appa who is this girl? She is so beautiful." His eyes sparkled at the drawing while Heeseung just froze.

I shouldnt kept it there.

"Why dont you wait for me after im done with my work okay? Ready in ur bed,i want you to brush ur teeth arachi?" Heeseung stated as Saehee nodded eagerly.He hugged the book and run to his room.

"I thought i burned that book already." Heeseung sighs.

After 30 minutes

Heeseung finished his works and do his bussiness in the bathroom then change into purple hoodie and sweatpants,walking to his son's room only to find him staring at the painting with adoration in his eyes.

"APPAAA tell me a story pweaseee" he pleaded,Heeseung making a weird expression.

"I thought you hate story telling?"

"Appa i dont want to hear how you cooked ramyeon.Everybody knows the basi-" Heeseung push Saehee face gently with his big palms to the pillow.

"Okay,okay." Heeseung chuckled at his son struggling to escape.

He start to tell the aesthetic story.

Back in 2006 when i was 9 yo,appa used to play alone in the playground watching other kids playing with each other.I dont really like talking with anybody that time not until i saw  someone sits beside me and gave me a grape lollipop.

"I dont want this."

"Come on just take it,you seems in a badmood."

As soon as i tilted my head and saw as if its an angel.Her soft pale skin,pink lip and her hair is long.

"Why do you talk to me?"

"Why? You dont like it?"

"N-no its just you are the first one to talk to me."

"Its because you always in that famous poker face,people just dont really fond of you."

"I guess."

"I better go now,see you around.My name is Choi Saerin btw nice to meet ya."

"Im Lee Heeseung and nice to meet you too."

After that moment im always bumps into her,at school,convinient store,mall,amusent park and everywhere i saw her.

Its been 2 years i dont met her until im 13.I spotted this girl with short hair but her scent and facial expression is very familiar.I met her again always busy with reading,eating,painting the school mural and plays netball alone with her friend.One day i forgot to bring my notebook to me since im the president of school council,she gave me her extra notebook with her name crafted to the frontpage.The book had soft purple cover and a small single roses each side.

"Thankyou again Saerin." I smiled.

"Wai-how do you know me?" She asked.

"I have my ways." I chuckled as she pouted.

Im so stupid to not ask her out instead im just watching her from afar afraid of rejection.I watched her until we're 16.

Theres this news saying she had accident with her family,i tried to searched for her.Until i stopped at 2018,I met ur mommy when we were in campus.

"Thats all i can say-go to slee-"

"Appa just finish the story,she's not my mom and i dont want her.I love you only appa." Saehee hugged Heeseung.


I dont know that woman only using me for money and fame as soon as im announced to be the new CEO in Lee's Monarch.She always bugged me to buy her that,this.One day i dont know who put the drunk medicine in my wine,the next day im beside her without no cloths only the thick blanket covered us.She got pregnant so i asked her to marry me and she agreed,in 2016 i was 19.So young to be a father but as soon as you borned i love you so much,i tried to be a good father aftersince but she doesnt care abt you at all.Uncle Jay once saw her with other man walk hand in hand,i decided to divorce her but she crying begging me to forgive her so i did.But later on,she manage to take half of my money actually its just 2 millions in my bank,my main bank is abt maybe 2 billions.She asked for a divorced so i agreed and meet her with her new husband at the court with nobody besides me only ur uncle Jungwon.

I won the case and you are my priority now.The case didnt actually completed once you turned 5 the case will be open again.

"You will turn 5 this 15 oct." Heeseung chuckled knowing the facts he and his son is sharing the same birthday."Now go to bed you promised me." Heeseung said as Saehee nodded they hugged.

I will make sure you find the real mother who can love you my son.

-Next morning-

Heeseung send Saehee to his school and heading to his office.

"Mr.Lee,theres 200 applicant to be ur PA." Yannie his assistant began.

"Wha-Theres alot." Heeseung raise his eyebrow and Yannie just chuckled.

"Yeahh they all wanted to wait for you instead of me." He groans.

"Just take 20 out of them,the rest is out."

"Okay boss."

To be continue...
~Hope you like this one if you did do vote/comments ur thoughts in this chapter.Thank you for reading!!!!

•Author Dk

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