Iᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴡʜᴇɴ...

185 8 1

Just another boring day to spend in the senior year.Y/n and her friends just finished their PE class located at the field so its time for English class.That class is the most hated one but they know other students from another class will be with them too.

"I don't understand why they covered their face with heavy makeup.Its not like they tried to seduced Mr Leon or somethi-NO my chocolate." You whined as your chocolate fell from your finger and they laughed patting you on the shoulder.As the four of you taking seats,taking the notebook you just bought and homework the teacher asked you to do.

"I don't understand why would they wearing such a heavy makeup when it comes to math lesson i mean....They don't even get good grades in this class." Sooya scoffs along with you.

"They want to get his attention so much don't you think?" You raised your eyebrow and they snickered.

The loud class suddenly got silence by the presence of the school's famous athlete,Yang Jungwon.You thought this guy will be arrogent and playboy but no....He is actually very kind and quiet.You never talk nor glance at him btw.

He walked past you and take the empty sit behind you but still you didn't bother to look at him.


"Have ya eaten?"

"Oppa,i made you cookies."

"Can you be my boyfriend oppa?"

"Oppa sarangheyo."

"Okay the last part got me-" You tried to contain your laughter by smack Willow's shoulder cause she said that in whispered,Nana and Claudy's face turned red.

He just watched her silently and wear tiny smiled....Thats it,he has a crush on you for 9 months now but he kept it by himself cause he want to prevent his hyungs teasing him.

"Okay everyone today we will be making a group works and if you have the thoughts on choosing your teammate,I'm sorry i've chose them for you." Students groans and he just stuck his tongue out but you didn't find it annoying so you laughed along.

"The first team's leader is Yang Jungwon and the rest of his members is Winho,Willow and Y/n...Now please sit according to the team." You kinda glad this time is changed cause last time is actually you doing basically everything.Jungwon on the other hands got flustered and happy at the same time.

"Annyeong." Jungwon began and you smiled giving him a nod along with Willow and Winho.

"Its our first time working with another class." Willow chuckled and Winho snickered agreeing to her."So who will be the writer and do the talking?" You asked ignoring Jungwon's intense stare infront of you.

What the hell is wrong with this guy actually?

"I don't know...Jungwon you decide." Winho nudged his arm softly and he nodded.

"Winho and Willow will do the talking...Y/n and i do the research ." Jungwon explained and you grinned at Willow."You lucky this time." She gritted her teeth.

"What? I do the talking five times stupid,its your turn now." You wiggle your eyebrow and they all laughed.

"Are you joining this year's sport as a sprinter and a last runner?" Jungwon whispered beside you as Winho and Willow changed seat so they can get to know each other as friends from other class.You were taken aback by his sudden question and red is on your face."I don't know you would notice." You asked and he rub his nape."I'm a big fan of yours so yeah...I want to join if you want cause i don't like to be alone and am uncomfortable around other girls." He explained and you chuckled at his cute face.

"Yeah i join them this year." He widen his eyes and smiled at you."Hey you have a dimple." You giggled and poked his cheeck.His face is red as tomatoe.

"Yahh hajima." He yanked your hand away softly and you just laughed at him.

i never thought i would actually talking and be friendly with him tho but he really is the soft spoken boy,no wonder every girl fallen inlove with him.

"Guys the topic is inside the envelope and the deadline is in 7 da-" He frozed and everyone looked at him weirdly and some of them worried by their petrified teacher.

He just step on a ladybug and slowly cradles it in his hands and he was so heartbroken as he started to quoting hamlet.

Willow,Nana and Claudy put their head on the table to control their laugh and everyone turned their attention to them and you as you close your eyes deeply inhaling the air.

"I don't have the heart to tell him thats my m&m chocolate fell off." You said silently and Jungwon heard you as he laughed his ass off.

"Don't....You....Dare." Willow gritted her teeth to prevent from a single sound coming from her mouth.You smiled so hard and glance at Jungwon who seems like he want to passed out so you rub his back."Yahh calm down." He can't even looked at you.

Every students in that class knew what you mean and they tried their best too not to burst infront of the heartbroken teacher.

Even the sluts couldn't hold their laugh.Well all the mean girls in juniors even in seniors like you for some reason because you are funny and one time they tried to bully you they ended up laughing so hard because that time you were bickering with your brother Jay on the phone sitting near the bench.They respect you i guess....I mean,even teachers loves your presence and of course Yang Jungwon himself.

•Guys sorry for not posting anything so here you go,

I found a very funny stories in my twitter and i've decided to use it but not 100% and thats all..
Credits to the real owner!!!

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