ʀɪᴠᴀʟs (ᴘᴛ2)

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-At senior's class-

"K hyung,you have something to tell me? Abt Y/n." Heeseung takes a seat besides K and eyed him.

"Abt what Heeseung?" K frowned as he cant remembered it.

"You know that prick is coming back right?" Heeseung hissed.

"Ouhh thay guy,yes i do have something to tell you but i guess i forgot.Since u and her is a close fr-"

"Shes not my friend hyung,i hate that girl."Heeseung hissed.

"Yahh can you stop hissing,yeah,clearly looked like an enemy.Heres what happened,Y/n goes to her locker as i walked past her greeted her then i left to the bathroom.After im finished with my bussiness i heard an arguments.Didnt meant to eavesdrop but i recognised that voice.As soon as i came out,i found Y/n lying on the floor while that asshole on top of her.Tryna rape her as i saw her school uniform's button opened revealed her cleavage abit.I punched that guy and i pull Y/n with me and we ran away.Luckily her friends is there and helped her.Thats all i can tell you dongseang-ah." K pats the younger one's back.

"Im gonna kill him" Heeseung hissed as he punched the table and everyone looked at him,scared.Nobody has ever saw he angry like that.

"Woahh Heeseung-ah calm down.Why do you care so much abt that girl?" K frowned as Heeseung said "Nobody touch whats mine hyung." Heeseung said sternly.

~Next day at school

"woah its really him,hes back,wow handsome as always,hes weird," People whispered at each other as he walked inside the classroom where Heeseung and Y/n is.

He thoughts Heeseung will sits far away from Y/n his target.But no,Heeseung sits beside Y/n.Shocked? Ofc we do bcs never once they saw u both sits next to each other.Heeseung looked very alerted and glare at Jaehwa as the class is dead silent.They heard rumored abt Heeseung looked very angry.

Wanna know why Y/n let Heeseung sits beside her? Its bcs since your friends knew bout this Mr Jeon called Heeseung and you.Mr Jeon wants Heeseung sits besides you,this is the first time u never argued abt it as you trusted Heeseung even tho hes ur enemy but little do u know,He always keeps an eye on you.

(Skips time recess)

Jaehwa pretend to go to cafeteria so Heeseung can go out to send class's excersice books.You sits alone today ur friends had a busy schedule.As soon as Heeseung got out afew minutes past Jaehwa comes in and walked towards ur direction.You were phobia after the incident you scream as you stand up from ur seat u backed away stumbled everything behind ur back.In that class is only a few girls and 2 boys.Ej one of ur classmate ran outside and find Heeseung.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU CRAZY." You said between crying.

"Im really sorry,i know what i did is wrong but please all i want is to be ur boyfriend yet you chose that nerd over me.I got so mad that i slap you,im sorry baby come here." He walked slowly as he smirks.

"NO DONT PLEASE,HELP ME." You scream in fear.

"Please i want to be your boyfriend jagiya...I SAID COME HERE YOU BIT-" He shouted at you but Heeseung pulled him with his strenght and pushed him towards the white board.

"I SAID FUCKING STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRL YOU IMBECILE GUY.SHE IS MINE,I WONT HESITATE TO KILL YOU,FUCKING IDIOT."Heeseung growled and punched him on the stomach as he falls.Heeseung dragged him like a bag and head to the police who were standing there waiting for Heeseung and the subject.

Guess who the police is....Its Heeseung's older brother,he let him catched his enemy by himself as he knew what his lil bro up to.

"Mr.Park Jaehwa ur under arrest for tried and rapping someone." His older brother hissed as he tried to escape but Heeseung punched him to unconcios.

"Thanks for helping to catch this criminal dongseang-ah." He said and Heeseung nodded then to class back.

"Where is Y/n?" Heeseung confused face asked them.

"She went to the bathroom" Soo-ah said with worried.Heeseung just nodded and go to you.

~At the bathroom

"Yahhh gwenchana?" Heeseung asked as he touch her shoulder."Yeah,why are you here?" You replied as you wipe ur face.

"No reason." Heeseung shyly added.You look him in the eyes."Why do you treat me like this Heeseung?" You asked as you frowned.

"Wa-" you cuts him off."I like you since in our elementary school yet you treated me like shits." You sighs as Heeseung flustered.

"Im s-sorry Y/n,i-i just dont k-know how to show it." Fuck why am i stuttering he said to himself as you shakes your head.

"Thanks for saving me Heeseung-ah." You smiled as dimple appeared on ur face and he smiled also.

"Its my pleasure,if it makes you feel better,i'll let you tell people you won against me." Heeseung puts his both hands in the pocket as you shocked.

"Really?" You asked excited."Thanks Heeseungie." You side hug him as you giggled.

"Yeahh if you agree to be mine?"

You scoffs."Ofc i agreed.Been waiting almost 6 years for you." You added as he chukled."I guess i don't have the balls to ask you." He congested as you grin."Woahh you said a lot of words that too good to be true,what happens to Heeseung i know? Bcs this one is clearly different." You raised an eyebrow making him laughs.

"Let me take us to the big balcony at the hills and watch the night city together tonight." Heeseung said as he hold ur bag along with his bag.

"So ur taking me to a date now?"

"Can you stop teasing me? I barely made alife after the confession i just made." Heeseung groans as you laughs and nodded.

"Okay then."

~Hope you like this chapter.
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Thankyou so much for choosing this book to read.I appreciated it so much.

•Author Dk

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