Hᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ #2

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One day you were incharge to take care of your grandma's flowershop.

You're now 23 yo working as an architect.

Still looking for your soulmate since you were born.

You reall-

*Someone tap the counter table harshly with 20 dollars in his hand.

"What the-"

"How do i passive-aggresively say fuck you in flower?" That handsome man around ur age asked with fury.

"Ahhh u need a bucket of geraniums(stupidity),foxglove(insincerity),meadowsweet(uselessness),yellow carnation(dissapoitment) and orange lilis (hatred) sir." You packed them neatly.

"Ahh thanks" He nodded."Its actually for my girlfriend who cheated on me." He added.

You couldnt control your laugh so you burst out anyway.Dimples appeared on ur face making him chuckled and flustered.

"Got to go now bye?"

"Its Y/n."

"Ahh Lee Heeseung." He took one red rose and handed it to you with a wink.

You became flustered and red.

Love at first sigh.

He does know what flowers means.

He just want to see her.

Because you are his first love since college but you dont know bcs he is from another major.

Btw that flowers is just for his younger sister's birthday if you want to know.

L.ʜs x Y.ᴊᴡ ᵒⁿᵉˢʰᵒᵗˢWhere stories live. Discover now